I am currently working on my first Newsstand app. The basic gist of it is there are two XML feeds. If no subscription is detected, it loads the free.xml which just has a couple of free issues on it. If a subscription receipt is detected and valid, it shows the listing of all current issues. The XML just has title, link, description, and pubDate tags in it. The link is where it is located and the app downloads it and then displays it. My issue is how to send out newsstand notifications. I know it is slightly different than regular Push, in that it has ability to trigger automatic downloads of new issues. I currently use xtify.com for standard push notifications, but I could use some guidance on how to set up notifications for the newsstand app.


1 回答 1


要在报亭应用中触发自动下载,您必须发送一个额外的键值对,如下所示以及其他键。值为 1 的新 key content-available 负责在后台调用应用程序。

{ "aps":{ "内容可用":1, } }


除此之外,请确保: 您在 iTunes Connect 中启用 Newsstand 在您的设备设置 > 报亭 > 自动内容下载必须为您的应用程序“开启” 推送通知为您的应用程序“开启”。



于 2013-06-11T07:57:43.327 回答