

当然,我尝试过自己的方式,但我觉得我的 Android/JAVA 知识还不足以理解这个概念,当我尝试运行任何东西时,总是会出现一些错误或强制关闭。


public String getContactName(final String phoneNumber) 
        Uri uri;
        String[] projection;

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 5)
            uri = Uri.parse("content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup");
            projection = new String[] { "display_name" };
            uri = Uri.parse("content://contacts/phones/filter");
            projection = new String[] { "name" }; 

        uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, Uri.encode(phoneNumber)); 
        Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null); 

        String contactName = "";

        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) 
            contactName = cursor.getString(0);

        cursor = null;

        return contactName; 

但是通过使用这段代码,Eclipse 告诉我:无法解析上下文。我发现的很多代码和解释都在使用这个Context东西,但是即使在阅读了这个之后我仍然不明白:什么是 Android 上的 'Context'?



1 回答 1


If you're using this inside an activity, then a context is what you get by using this. So basically here, instead of calling context.getContentResolver(), call this.getContentResolver() or simply just getContentResolver().

Eclipse complains basically because you're trying to call a method of something called context which Eclipse doesn't know because it hasn't been declared anywhere. It would work if you previously did something like Context context = this;, but that's really useless.

getContentResolver() is a method declared and defined by Activity which is a class that your activity extends, therefore you can call it just like that.

I hope it helps. As to what this context really is, I am sorry, but I can't help you with that as I am not even sure I understand it correctly.

Also, please notice, that I haven't checked the code you posted and I don't know if it works for obtaining a contact's name from a phone number. Just wanted to help you with getting rid of the context cannot be resolved error.

于 2013-05-08T18:44:07.153 回答