我们有一个使用代码优先技术完成的通用存储库。由于代码在测试中,我们意识到通用存储库比直接访问 DBContext 和加载数据要慢。为了为大家模拟问题,我们简化了通用存储库,编写了一个新代码,该代码粘贴在下面..
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DemoTest.Bll.Models;
using DemoTest.Bll.DB;
using MasIt.Common.BackEnd;
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace DemoTest.Bll.Handlers
public abstract class MyHandlerBase<E, T>
where E : DbSet<T>
where T : class, IBaseObject
public MyHandlerBase(E mySet)
dbSet = mySet;
public E dbSet;
protected IEnumerable<T> GetAllNew(Func<T, bool> predicate)
return dbSet.Where(predicate).AsEnumerable();
catch { return null; }
public class StudentHandler : MyHandlerBase<DbSet<Student>, Student>
public StudentHandler()
//_entitySet = new DemoDBContext().Students;
public List<Student> getList(bool option1)
if (option1)
// Option 1 this is very fast and hit the Student Constructor only once
IEnumerable<Student> response1 = this.dbSet.Where(x => x.StudentId == 10).AsEnumerable();
return response1.ToList();
// Option 2 this is very slow and hit the Student Constructor the student record count of the table
IEnumerable<Student> response2 = this.GetAllNew(x => x.StudentId == 10);
return response2.ToList();
谁能说出为什么选项 2 更慢.. 它不仅慢,它多次命中 Student 类构造函数,而选项 1 只命中构造函数一次.. 所以在我们看来,选项 1 只加载匹配的记录,其中作为选项2加载所有记录并在内存中匹配它们以过滤记录..