我正在评估ServiceStack 中的 FluentValidation以处理请求 DTO 的自动验证:
Plugins.Add(new ValidationFeature());
通过序列化 DTO 将错误返回给客户端ErrorResponse
"ErrorCode": "GreaterThan",
"Message": "'Age' must be greater than '0'.",
"Errors": [
"ErrorCode": "GreaterThan",
"FieldName": "Age",
"Message": "'Age' must be greater than '0'."
"ErrorCode": "NotEmpty",
"FieldName": "Company",
"Message": "'Company' should not be empty."
我想知道是否可以使用不同的响应 DTO 返回错误。例如:
"code": "123",
"error": "'Age' must be greater than '0'."
public MyService : Service
private readonly IValidator<MyRequestDto> validator;
public MyService(IValidator<MyRequestDto> validator)
this.validator = validator;
public object Get(MyRequestDto request)
var result = this.validator.Validate(request);
if (!result.IsValid)
throw new SomeCustomException(result);
... at this stage request DTO validation has passed
但这里的问题是是否有可能在某处隐式拦截此验证错误,以便我可以替换响应 DTO 并获得更清洁的服务:
public MyService : Service
public object Get(MyRequestDto request)
... at this stage request DTO validation has passed
public class ValidationFilters
public void RequestFilter(IHttpRequest req, IHttpResponse res, object requestDto)
var validator = ValidatorCache.GetValidator(req, requestDto.GetType());
if (validator == null) return;
var validatorWithHttpRequest = validator as IRequiresHttpRequest;
if (validatorWithHttpRequest != null)
validatorWithHttpRequest.HttpRequest = req;
var ruleSet = req.HttpMethod;
var validationResult = validator.Validate(
new ValidationContext(requestDto, null, new MultiRuleSetValidatorSelector(ruleSet)));
if (validationResult.IsValid) return;
var errorResponse = DtoUtils.CreateErrorResponse(
requestDto, validationResult.ToErrorResult());
res.WriteToResponse(req, errorResponse);