我正在尝试创建一个包含 HTML5 VIDEO 标签的测试页面,该标签将允许播放转换后的视频。我能够成功地转换视频并将它们本地存储在服务器上,但我希望能够通过另一个 .aspx 页面流式传输所有视频。

假设我有一个 player.aspx 页面,其中包含 HTML 代码和 getvideo.aspx 页面,除了提供视频二进制文件之外什么都不做,我认为以下代码在我的 player.aspx 页面中可以正常工作:

<div style="text-align:center">   
<video controls autoplay id="video1" width="920">  
    <source src="http://www.mywebsite.com/getvideo.aspx?getvideo=1" type="video/mp4">  
    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  

getvideo.aspx 页面包含以下 vb.net 代码:

Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "video/mp4")
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=""newvideo.mp4""")

dim Err as string = ""
Dim iStream As System.IO.Stream

' Buffer to read 10K bytes in chunk:
Dim buffer(buffersize) As Byte
' Length of the file:
Dim length As Integer

' Total bytes to read:
Dim dataToRead As Long

' Identify the file to download including its path.
Dim filepath As String = "./outout/videos/newvideo.mp4"

' Identify the file name.
Dim filename As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filepath)

' Open the file.
    iStream = New System.IO.FileStream(filepath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
catch ex as exception
    throw new exception("Could not create FileStream for [" & filepath & "], error follows." & vbcrlf & ex.toString)
end try

    ' Total bytes to read:
    dataToRead = iStream.Length

    ' Read the bytes.
    While dataToRead > 0
        ' Verify that the client is connected.
        If system.web.httpcontext.current.Response.IsClientConnected Then
            ' Read the data in buffer
            length = iStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffersize)
            ' Write the data to the current output stream.
            system.web.httpcontext.current.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length)
           ' Flush the data to the HTML output.

           ReDim buffer(buffersize) ' Clear the buffer
           dataToRead = dataToRead - length
           'prevent infinite loop if user disconnects
           dataToRead = -1
       End If
    End While

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Trap the error, if any.
    err =  "Error accessing " & filepath & " : " & ex.tostring
    If IsNothing(iStream) = False Then
        ' Close the file.
    End If
End Try

if err<>"" then throw new exception( err )

我在页面输出上得到的只是一个 HTML 视频播放器(chrome 的基本播放器),它似乎超时并且“播放”按钮变灰。Chrome 开发者工具中的网络工具显示它正在下载 45mb 并获得 200 响应代码。这向我表明它工作正常。尽管我收到了第二个状态为“已取消”的 GET 请求?

如果我访问 www.mywebsite.com/output/videos/myvideo.mp4,那么它可以在浏览器中正常播放,所以我知道 IIS 已配置为正确流式传输视频。

此外,如果我将响应内容配置更改为“附件”,则浏览器在转到我的 ASPX 页面时会正确强制下载视频,但这也无法在 HTML 播放器上正确播放。HTML5 VIDEO 标签是否有一些“聪明”的东西正在阻止 .aspx 文件通过 .net 提供视频?还是我缺少响应标头?



1 回答 1



这里的问题可能与范围请求的 HTML5 视频实现有关。如果不支持用于提供视频的页面中的范围请求,它们将无法正常工作。

正是 Scott Mitchell 的这篇非常有用的帖子让我了解了这个案例: http ://dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspnet/Range-Specific-Requests-in-ASP-NET.aspx

Chris Coulson 的另一篇有用的帖子提供了 C# 中的解决方案实现! http://blogs.visigo.com/chriscoulson/easy-handling-of-http-range-requests-in-asp-net/

我的 Chris 找到的代码的 vb.net 端口如下所示,要实现它,只需将其放在您的页面中:

system.web.httpcontext.current.Response.ContentType = "video/" & convertFormat.toString
RangeDownload(convertedVideo, system.web.httpcontext.current)

VB.NET 代码:

private sub RangeDownload( fullpath as string, context as HttpContext)

    dim size as long
    dim start as long
    dim theend as long
    dim length as long
    dim fp as long =0
    using reader as new StreamReader(fullpath)
        size = reader.BaseStream.Length
        start = 0
        theend = size - 1
        length = size
        '/ Now that we've gotten so far without errors we send the accept range header
        '* At the moment we only support single ranges.
        '* Multiple ranges requires some more work to ensure it works correctly
        '* and comply with the spesifications: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html#sec19.2
        '* Multirange support annouces itself with:
        '* header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
        '* Multirange content must be sent with multipart/byteranges mediatype,
        '* (mediatype = mimetype)
        '* as well as a boundry header to indicate the various chunks of data.
        context.Response.AddHeader("Accept-Ranges", "0-" + size)
        '// header('Accept-Ranges: bytes')
        '// multipart/byteranges
        '// http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html#sec19.2

        if (not String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_RANGE"))) then
            dim anotherStart as long = start
            dim anotherEnd as long = theend
            dim arr_split as string() = context.Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_RANGE").Split("=") 'new char[] { Convert.ToChar("=") })
            dim range as string = arr_split(1)

            '// Make sure the client hasn't sent us a multibyte range
            if (range.IndexOf(",") > -1) then
                '// (?) Shoud this be issued here, or should the first
                '// range be used? Or should the header be ignored and
                '// we output the whole content?
                context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " & start & "-" & theend & "/" & size)
                throw new HttpException(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable")
            end if

            '// If the range starts with an '-' we start from the beginning
            '// If not, we forward the file pointer
            '// And make sure to get the end byte if spesified
            if (range.StartsWith("-")) then
                '// The n-number of the last bytes is requested
                anotherStart = size - Convert.ToInt64(range.Substring(1))
                arr_split = range.Split("-")
                anotherStart = Convert.ToInt64(arr_split(0))
                dim temp as long = 0
                if (arr_split.Length > 1 andalso Int64.TryParse(arr_split(1).ToString(), temp)) then
                    anotherEnd =  Convert.ToInt64(arr_split(1))
                    anotherEnd = size
                end if
            end if
            '/* Check the range and make sure it's treated according to the specs.
            ' * http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html
            ' */
            '// End bytes can not be larger than $end.
            if (anotherEnd > theend) then
                anotherEnd = theend
                anotherEnd = anotherEnd
            end if
            '// Validate the requested range and return an error if it's not correct.
            if (anotherStart > anotherEnd or anotherStart > size - 1 or anotherEnd >= size) then
                context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " + start + "-" + theend + "/" + size)
                throw new HttpException(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable")
            end if

            start = anotherStart
            theend = anotherEnd

            length = theend - start + 1 '// Calculate new content length
            fp = reader.BaseStream.Seek(start, SeekOrigin.Begin)
            context.Response.StatusCode = 206
        end if
    end using

    '// Notify the client the byte range we'll be outputting
    context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " & start & "-" & theend & "/" & size)
    context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", length.ToString())
    '// Start buffered download
    context.Response.WriteFile(fullpath, fp, length)
end sub
于 2013-06-06T15:21:26.733 回答