我正在使用.Net 4.0 EF 4.0。
我在数据库 myentity、mygroup 和 myapplication 中有三个表。myentity 可能属于 1 到更多 mygroups,并且有 1 到更多 myapplications 并映射到 EF。然后我有一个 myentityrepository 类公开一个方法,如下所示:
public MyEntity GetByName(string name)
var v = Set().Where(x => x.Name == name)
.Include(x => x.MyEntityMyApplications)
.Include(x => x.MyEntityMyGroups);
return v.FirstOrDefault();
在我的 MVC controller.cs 中,我得到了名称并用 myentity 对象填充了我的视图模型。返回查看页面后,我得到了上面的错误。
public ActionResult GetMyentityAjax(string name)
MyViewModel uvm = new MyViewModel();
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new MyentityEntityContextFactory()))
Myentity me = _myentityRepository.GetByName(name);
if (me != null)
uvm.Name = me.Nme;
uvm.MyentityMyApplication = me.MyentityMyApplication.ToList();
uvm.MyentityMygroups = me.MyentityMygroups .ToList();
return Json(uvm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
//Even turned the lazyloding to false in //MydataModel.designer.cs as below
public MyappEntities() : base("name=MyappEntities", "MyappEntities")
//#### CHANGE ME ######
//this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
//#### END #####