我正在尝试使实时视频馈送延迟 10 秒。我试过使用 delay(); 但这只是停止和启动代码,我需要它更多的是时间转移。我听说可以制作一系列帧的数组,然后将它们移动一定的时间,但我还没有弄清楚如何做到这一点。

我最初是在网页上工作,但我认为您很可能不能仅使用 html 来延迟实时提要(尽管这比处理更可取)

import processing.video.*; 
import it.lilik.capturemjpeg.*;

CaptureMJPEG capture;
PImage next_img = null;
Capture video;

void setup() {
    size(800, 800);


    capture = new CaptureMJPEG (this, "http://url.com/cam.mjpg" );

    // or this if you don't need auth
    // capture = new CaptureMJPEG(this, "http://mynetworkcamera.foo/image?speed=20");


void draw() {
    if (next_img != null) {
        image(next_img, 0, 0);  

void captureMJPEGEvent(PImage img) {
    next_img = img;

编辑 我尝试根据教程并根据我从上次回复中收集的内容添加缓冲区。它运行没有任何错误,但它不会延迟视频。知道我做错了什么吗?

    import processing.video.*; 

    import it.lilik.capturemjpeg.*;

    CaptureMJPEG capture;

    PImage next_img = null;

    VideoBuffer vb;
    Capture video;

    int w = 800;
    int h = 800;
    int offset = 200;

    void setup() {


      size(800, 800);

      vb = new VideoBuffer(200, 200, h);
      capture = new CaptureMJPEG (this, "" );

      // or this if you don't need auth
      // capture = new CaptureMJPEG(this, "http://mynetworkcamera.foo/image?speed=20");

    void captureEvent(Capture video)  
      PImage blog = video.get(300, 0, 48, h);
      vb.addFrame( blog );

      if (offset >= 200)
        offset = 0;

    void draw() {
      int yPos = 150;

      for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
        image( vb.getFrame( 200 - (i * 5) + offset), i*48, yPos );

      if (next_img != null) {

        image(next_img, 0, 0);

    void captureMJPEGEvent(PImage img) {
      next_img = img;
    class VideoBuffer  
      PImage[] buffer;

      int inputFrame = 200;

      int frameWidth = 800;
      int frameHeight = 8000;


       frames - the number of frames in the buffer (fps * duration)
       width - the width of the video
       height - the height of the video

      VideoBuffer( int frames, int width, int height )  
        buffer = new PImage[frames];
        for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++)  
          buffer[i] = new PImage(width, height);

        inputFrame = 200;

        frameWidth = width;
        frameHeight = height;

      // return the current "playback" frame.
      PImage getFrame( int frame )  
        int f = frame;

        while (f >= buffer.length)
          f -= buffer.length;

        return buffer[f];

      // Add a new frame to the buffer.
      void addFrame( PImage frame )  
        // copy the new frame into the buffer.
        arraycopy(frame.pixels, 0, buffer[inputFrame].pixels, 0, frameWidth * frameHeight);

        // advance the input and output indexes

        // wrap the values..
        if (inputFrame >= buffer.length)  
          inputFrame = 0;

1 回答 1




举个简单的例子,假设您每秒传送 1 帧。帧被标识为 A、B、C 等。

在前 10 秒,您只需将帧推入...

A -> [A]
B -> [A B]
C -> [A B C]
J -> [A B C D E F G H I J]

现在,阵列已满。您可以从前面开始传送框架。此外,'back' 必须循环并从顶部开始填充数组。

K -> [K B C D E F G H I J] -> A
L -> [K L C D E F G H I J] -> B
M -> [K L M D E F G H I J] -> C

在 20 fps 时,您的缓冲区将为 200 帧。

于 2013-05-07T01:59:00.877 回答