I'm working on a media player app and wish to load album art images to display in a ListView. Right now it works fine with the images I'm auto-downloading from last.fm which are under 500x500 png's. However, I recently added another panel to my app that allows viewing full screen artwork so I've replaced some of my artworks with large (1024x1024) png's instead.
Now when I scroll over several albums with high res artwork, I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError on my BitmapFactory.
static public Bitmap getAlbumArtFromCache(String artist, String album, Context c)
Bitmap artwork = null;
File dirfile = new File(SourceListOperations.getAlbumArtPath(c));
String artfilepath = SourceListOperations.getAlbumArtPath(c) + File.separator + SourceListOperations.makeFilename(artist) + "_" + SourceListOperations.makeFilename(album) + ".png";
File infile = new File(artfilepath);
artwork = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(infile.getAbsolutePath());
}catch(Exception e){}
if(artwork == null)
artwork = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(c.getResources(), R.drawable.icon);
}catch(Exception ex){}
return artwork;
Is there anything I can add to limit the size of the resulting Bitmap object to say, 256x256? That's all the bigger the thumbnails need to be and I could make a duplicate function or an argument to fetch the full size artwork for displaying full screen.
Also, I'm displaying these Bitmaps on ImageViews that are small, around 150x150 to 200x200. The smaller images scale down nicer than the large ones do. Is there any way to apply a downscaling filter to smooth the image (anti-aliasing perhaps)? I don't want to cache a bunch of additional thumbnail files if I don't have to, because it would make managing the artwork images more difficult (currently you can just dump new ones in the directory and they will automatically be used next time they get loaded).
The full code is at http://github.org/CalcProgrammer1/CalcTunes, in src/com/calcprogrammer1/calctunes/AlbumArtManager.java, though there's not much different in the other function (which falls back to checking last.fm if the image is missing).