我将“引用类型”传递给函数“BY VAL”。在函数中,我试图修改 foreach 循环中的引用类型。
SSCClass - 包含教师数组。教师 - 包含学生数组。
public void GetStudents()
Student[] sscStudentsOne = new Student[] { new Student { V_SId = 1, V_SName = "Kumar" }, new Student { V_SId = 2, V_SName = "Varun" }, new Student { V_SId = 3, V_SName = "Murthy" } };
Student[] sscStudentsTwo = new Student[] { new Student { V_SId = 4, V_SName = "Sathya" }, new Student { V_SId = 5, V_SName = "Krishna" }, new Student { V_SId = 6, V_SName = "Bindu" } };
Teacher[] sscTeachers = new Teacher[] { new Teacher { V_tId = 1, V_tName = "Jyothi", V_Students = sscStudentsOne }, new Teacher { V_tId = 2, V_tName = "Srinivas", V_Students = sscStudentsTwo } };
SSCClass objSSCClass = new SSCClass();
objSSCClass.V_sscTeachers = sscTeachers;
SSCClass objSSCClassFiltered = FilterStudents(objSSCClass);
// Problem :-
// in objSSCClass Kumar is getting removed but Sathya from second teachere is not getting removed.
// in objSSCClassFiltered Kumar and Sathya are Getting removed as we did.
// We need objSSCClass object to be updated successfully .. as we can not return this to caller method in my project.
public SSCClass FilterStudents(SSCClass objSSCClasstobeFiltered)
foreach (Teacher item in objSSCClasstobeFiltered.V_sscTeachers)
// here a method will be called and does the below
// removes Students based on some criteria
// Say,
// Remove Student Kumar from first teacher.
// Remove Student Sathya from second teacher
// after filtering Students return the SSC Class object
return objSSCClasstobeFiltered;
public class Student
int v_sId;
public int V_SId
get { return v_sId; }
set { v_sId = value; }
string v_SName;
public string V_SName
get { return v_SName; }
set { v_SName = value; }
public class Teacher
int v_tId;
public int V_tId
get { return v_tId; }
set { v_tId = value; }
string v_tName;
public string V_tName
get { return v_tName; }
set { v_tName = value; }
Student[] v_Students;
public Student[] V_Students
get { return v_Students; }
set { v_Students = value; }
public class SSCClass
Teacher[] v_sscTeachers;
public Teacher[] V_sscTeachers
get { return v_sscTeachers; }
set { v_sscTeachers = value; }