Does QtCreator 2.7.0 offers some kind of class browser that given some headers can help you to filter classes, members and so on ?

something like the html output from doxygen and its simple search engine.

I also found that suggestions for ctors are often incompletes or wrong, for example if a type offers more than 1 ctor only 1 is the suggested one.

For example I can build an std::string containing 10 # like so std::string(10, '#') but QtCreator doesn't say nothing about this.

There is something more complete as a class browser and ctor listing under Qtcreator ?


1 回答 1


阻止您的只是一个错误,请将其报告给 qt-project bugtracker 或对现有错误投票 +1。

QtCreator 在项目树中有类浏览器(只需将此小部件顶部的模式从“项目”切换到“类视图”。它还可以使用 Quick 搜索类和任何 C++ 符号(类、函数、方法、构造函数等)搜索。

快速搜索是底部面板上的输入字段(热键:Mac OS X 上的 Ctrk+K 或 Cmd+K),默认情况下按文件名搜索。如果输入“c ClassName”,它将通过子字符串“ClassName”过滤整个项目的类,如果输入“:name”,它将过滤方法/类/ctors/等。通过子字符串“名称”在整个项目中。

于 2013-05-04T10:25:54.467 回答