I have a realtime data model with a lot of data in it. When I try to load it using the API call my onLoaded function does not get called. Similarly my error handling function does not get called even though one of the underlying API calls (https://drive.google.com/otservice/gs?id=...&access_token=...) receives a 409 response from the server.

My attempts to load smaller data models works fine. I am confident that I am using the API correctly since I started my code from the example provided on the Realtime API Quickstart page.

Google Drive has the concept of requesting a partial response using the fields parameter to reduce the amount of data returned. I can not see similar functionality for the realtime API. Does it exist?

Is there a way to download the realtime data model as a generic file so I can pre-populate my application with data until the Realtime API is completely loaded?


1 回答 1


当前不支持大于约 10 兆的数据模型。听起来你可能会遇到这个限制。


您现在可以在 Javascript API 中导出数据模型:https ://developers.google.com/drive/realtime/reference/gapi.drive.realtime.Document#gapi.drive.realtime.Document.prototype.exportDocument


于 2013-05-03T22:40:21.247 回答