$filename = $_GET['package'];
echo readfile("$filename.txt");

This is a part of my html, and I want to use this url to read the filename of a txt:


if I am using this, the html must show the contents of new.txt, but nothing.

I've set error_reporting(-1) but there is no error.

The URL is http://repo.cydie.com/depictions/2.html just see the source code

What was my error?


3 回答 3


You have done wrong concatenation here

change this

echo readfile("$filename.txt");


readfile($filename . ".txt");
于 2013-05-03T12:38:20.027 回答

you need no echo for readfile. readfile() will output the contents directly



Reads a file and writes it to the output buffer.

Note that this causes problems as readfile() will return the number of bytes read from the file. So your content - if exist - will look like:

hello world

(note the linefeed, that's why 12, not 11)

But this doesn't cause the problem, that the file isn't found. You should check if $filename really exists!

于 2013-05-03T12:39:07.353 回答

try this

  $filename = $_GET['package'].".txt";
  echo readfile($filename);
于 2013-05-03T12:38:23.340 回答