var userInput = prompt('enter number here');
var number = new Array(userInput.toString().split(''));
if (number ????){ //checks if the number is in a continuous stream

在 Javascript 中,我可以在 "????" 处做什么 检查它是否处于连续顺序/流中?另外,我该如何做到这一点,以便它仅在数组中的特定索引之后检查此订单/流?意思是用户输入说“12345678901234”会弹出正确,但“12347678901234”会弹出无效?(注意有两个7)对于第二部分“3312345678901234”会弹出正确,如何实现?


4 回答 4


这将检查实时条目,但类似的原理可以用于检查按钮提交或类似的条目。我不是 100% 确定你想要哪种方式,所以我选择了 live 方法。


<input id="stream" type="text" />


window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    document.getElementById("stream").addEventListener("keyup", function (evt) {
        var target = evt.target;
        var value = target.value;
        var prev;
        var last;
        var expect;

        target.value = value.replace(/[^\d]/, "");
        if (value.length > 1) {
            prev = parseInt(value.slice(-2, -1), 10);
            last = parseInt(value.slice(-1), 10);
            expect = prev + 1;

            if (expect > 9) {
                expect = 0;

            if (last !== expect) {
                target.value = value.slice(0, value.length - 1);
    }, false);

jsfiddle 上


if (value.length > 1) {




window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    var testStrings = [

    function test(string, offset) {
        if (typeof string !== "string" || /[^\d]/.test(string)) {
            return false;

        var array = string.split("");
        var prev;
        var last;
        var expect;

        return !array.some(function (digit, index) {
            if (index >= offset) {
                prev = parseInt(array[index - 1], 10);
                last = parseInt(digit, 10);
                expect = prev + 1;

                if (expect > 9) {
                    expect = 0;

                if (last !== expect) {
                    return true;

            return false;

    testStrings.forEach(function (string) {
        console.log(string, test(string, 1));

jsfiddle 上

由于您的问题并未完全指定所有可能性,因此上述内容将为空字符串(“”)返回 true,当然您可以简单地在开头添加一个检查。



于 2013-05-03T00:31:59.583 回答

这里有一些很好的答案,但我想展示一些细微的变化。我认为展示 JavaScript 的一些不同方面并区分代码中的兴趣是很重要的。

  1. 作为第一类对象的函数很酷 - 只需更改谓词函数即可更改“连续”的确切规则。也许我们应该允许跳过数字?没问题。也许我们允许十六进制数字?没问题。follows只需更改特定规则的相应功能即可。

  2. 这可以通用实现,因为字符串支持索引。这将与具有适当follows功能的其他类似数组的对象一样有效。请注意,函数中没有使用特定于字符串的continuous函数。

代码也在 jsfiddle 上

// returns true only iff b "follows" a; this can be changed
function follows_1Through9WithWrappingTo0(b,a) {
    if (b === "1" && a === undefined) {
        // start of sequence
        return true;
    } else if (b === "0" && a === "9") {
        // wrap
        return true;
    } else {
        // or whatever
        return (+b) === (+a) + 1;

function continuous(seq, accordingTo, from) {
   // strings can be treated like arrays; this code really doesn't care
   // and could work with arbitrary array-like objects
   var i = from || 0;
   if ((seq.length - i) < 1) {
       return true;
   var a = undefined;
   var b = undefined;
   for (; i < seq.length; i++) {
      b = seq[i];
      if (!accordingTo(b, a)) {
         return false; // not continuous
      a = b;
   return true;

function assert(label, expr, value) {
    if (!(expr === value)) {
        alert("FAILED: " + label);

var follows = follows_1Through9WithWrappingTo0;
assert("empty1", continuous("", follows), true);
assert("empty2", continuous("foobar", follows, 6), true);
assert("skip", continuous("331234", follows, 2), true);
assert("good 1", continuous("123456789", follows), true);
assert("good 2", continuous("12345678901234", follows), true);
assert("bad seq 1", continuous("12347678901234", follows), false);
assert("bad seq 2", continuous("10", follows), false);

// here a different predicate ensures all the elements are the same
var areAllSame = function (b, a) {
                     return a === undefined || a === b;
assert("same", continuous("aaaaa", areAllSame), true);

请注意,跳过也可以从continuous函数中提取出来:在具有更好“功能”集合支持的语言中,例如 C#,这正是我首先要做的。

于 2013-05-03T01:23:31.863 回答


function checkContinuous(str, startIndex) {
    startindex = startIndex || 0;
    if (str.length <= startIndex) {
        return false;
    var last = str.charCodeAt(startIndex);
    for (var i = startIndex + 1; i < str.length; i++) {
        if (str.charCodeAt(i) !== last) {
            return false;
    return true;

如果它只是数字并且从 9 回绕到 0 被认为是连续的,那么它会像这样稍微复杂一点:

function checkContinuous(str, startIndex) {
    // make sure startIndex is set to zero if not passed in
    startIndex = startIndex || 0;
    // skip chars before startIndex
    str = str.substr(startIndex);
    // string must be at least 2 chars long and must be all numbers
    if (str.length < 2 || !/^\d+$/.test(str)) {
        return false;
    // get first char code in string
    var last = str.charCodeAt(0);
    // for the rest of the string, compare to last code
    for (var i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
        // increment last charCode so we can compare to sequence
        if (last === 57) {
            // if 9, wrap back to 0
            last = 48;
        } else {
           // else just increment
        // if we find one char out of sequence, then it's not continuous so return false
        if (str.charCodeAt(i) !== last) {
            return false;
    // everything was continuous
    return true;

工作演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/rHH4B/

于 2013-05-02T23:52:35.297 回答


当您击中 0 时,替换为 10,然后继续直到该数字不比前一个多 1。

function continuousFromChar(str, start){
    start= start || 0;
    var i= 0, L= str.length, prev;
        c= +(str.charAt(-- L)) || 10; // use 10 for 0
        prev=+(str.charAt(L- 1));       
        if(c-prev  !== 1) break;
    return  start>=L;

var s= "3312345678901234";


/*  returned value: (Boolean)
于 2013-05-03T00:45:08.720 回答