我尝试在 Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (x64) 上安装 G-Wan。我按照快速说明进行操作:http: //gwan.com/download

当我执行 $sudo ./gwan 时,显示:


然后我按照缓慢的说明进行操作: http ://www.as2.com/pdf/GWAN-Install-Manual-for-Ubuntu-12.04.pdf




    ERROR: apport (pid 13912) Mon Apr 29 13:42:56 2013: called for pid 13870, signal 8
    ERROR: apport (pid 13912) Mon Apr 29 13:42:56 2013: executable: /opt/gwan_linux64-bit/gwan (command line "./gwan")
    ERROR: apport (pid 13912) Mon Apr 29 13:42:56 2013: executable does not belong to a package, ignoring


    Apr 29 13:43:48 ip-10-34-153-82 kernel: [1026847.541495] gwan[13914] trap divide error ip:427930 sp:7fff7208d7b8 error:0
    Apr 29 13:43:53 ip-10-34-153-82 kernel: [1026852.993012] gwan[13958] trap divide error ip:427930 sp:7fffd2b82468 error:0


在我的电脑(Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS)中安装程序并且工作正常,我不明白,因为在我的电脑上工作正常,而在服务器上却不行。



1 回答 1


The problem is that some newer versions of hypervisors insist to report ZERO CPU, and/or ZERO CPU Core, leading to a division by zero.

Since G-WAN is optimized for multicore architectures, it queries the CPUID instruction and the OS Kernel structures to check the platform architecture and the associated OS policies (number of online and allowed CPUs).

Other web servers are not affected because they expect users to manually configure and run as many instances as desired (hereby creating the duplicated resource allocations that G-WAN was designed to avoid).

Checking both the CPUID instruction and the Kernel structure was enough, until recently. Now, for any reason, the hypervisors use broken CPUID implementations and OS Kernel structure.

This issue is affecting hosting companies (VPS servers), and Amazon EC2 instances, among others.

于 2013-05-03T09:22:45.687 回答