所以hashmap是java中map结构的基于hash的实现。我已经想出了如何让 hashmap put 方法工作,但是我想编写一个删除键值对的方法,但我在实现它时遇到了麻烦。


到目前为止,这就是我在 delete 方法中所拥有的:

public void delete(K key) {  
        if (key == null) {  
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Key!");

        // Implement this method



public class MapEntry<K, V> {

    MapEntry<K, V> next;  
    K key;  
    V value;  

    public MapEntry(K key, V value) {  

    public void setKey(K key) {
        this.key = key;

    public void setValue(V value) {  
        this.value = value;  

    public K getKey() {  
        return key;  

    public V getValue() {  
        return value;  

    public void setNext(MapEntry<K, V> next) {  
        this.next = next;  

    public MapEntry<K, V> getNext() {  
        return next;  


此外,如果有帮助,这是我的 HashMap 类的全部内容。

public class HashMap<K, V> {

    private int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;  
    private MapEntry<K, V>[] Hash;  
    private int size;

    public HashMap() {  
        Hash = new MapEntry[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];  

    public int getHashCode(K key) {  
        int bucketIndex = key.hashCode() % Hash.length;  
        return bucketIndex;  

    public V get(K key) {  
        if (key == null) {  
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Key!");
        MapEntry<K, V> entry = Hash[getHashCode(key)];  
        while (entry != null && !key.equals(entry.getKey()))   
            entry = entry.getNext();  
        if (entry != null)
            return entry.getValue();
            return null;

  * @param key
  * @param value
  * The put method works by associating the specified value with
  * the given key in the map. 
  * If the key is already in the map, 
  * the old value is replaced with the new one. 

    public void put(K key, V value) {
        int keyBucket = hash(key);

        MapEntry<K, V> temp = Hash[keyBucket];
        while (temp != null) {
            if ((temp.key == null && key == null) 
                    || (temp.key != null && temp.key.equals(key))) {
                temp.value = value;
            temp = temp.next;

        Hash[keyBucket] = new MapEntry<K, V>(key, value);

    public void delete(K key) {  
        if (key == null) {  
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Key!");

        // Implement this method


    public void print(){
        //Bonus Method

    private int hash(K key) {
        if (key == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return Math.abs(key.hashCode() % this.Hash.length);

}   }

1 回答 1


使用您在 中执行的相同逻辑get(),找到正确的存储桶,并在该存储桶中找到正确的MapEntry(我们称之为e)。然后简单地e从存储桶中删除——基本上,这是从单链表中删除一个节点。如果e是桶中的第一个元素,则设置对应的元素Hashe.next;否则将next之前元素的字段设置ee.next。请注意,您还需要一个变量(根据您的发现进行更新e)来跟踪存储桶中的上一个条目。

于 2013-04-28T19:07:36.027 回答