我使用纯 C#(无IL或3rd 方库)的解决方案:
internal class agginit{internal static bool started=false;}
public class agg<T>{
//public static T add(T a,T b){return a+b;} // compile error: Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T'
//public static T add(T a,T b){return (dynamic)a+b;} // compiles, but involves boxing and unboxing at run-time
//public static int add(int a,int b){return a+b;} // won't be matched by test agg<T>.add(a,b) invokation
public static T add(T a,T b){return _add(a,b);}
static Func<T,T,T> _add=null;
public static void setAdd(Func<T,T,T> f){if(_add==null)_add=f;else throw new Exception("Can't init twice");}
static agg(){
if(!agginit.started){ // to prevent recursive actions
// below we initialize all other potentially used additive types just for fun, if type is not listed here, it's not supported
agg<byte>._add=(a,b)=>{return (byte)(a+b);}; // dirty down-cast, needs to be enhanced with return type generic parameter
agg<StringBuilder>._add=(a,b)=>{var ret=new StringBuilder();ret.Append(a.ToString());ret.Append(b.ToString());return ret;};
agg<HashSet<T>>._add=(a,b)=>{var ret=new HashSet<T>(a);ret.UnionWith(b);return ret;};
agg<SortedSet<T>>._add=(a,b)=>{var ret=new SortedSet<T>(a);ret.UnionWith(b);return ret;};
agg<byte[]>._add=(a,b)=>{var ret=new byte[a.Length+b.Length];Buffer.BlockCopy(a,0,ret,0,a.Length);Buffer.BlockCopy(b,0,ret,a.Length,b.Length); return ret;};
agg<System.IO.MemoryStream>._add=(a,b)=>{var ret=new System.IO.MemoryStream(new byte[a.Length+b.Length]);a.WriteTo(ret);b.WriteTo(ret);return ret;};
public class test<T>{
public T res;
public test(T a,T b){
public class A{
public int z;
static A(){
agg<A>.setAdd((a,b)=>new A{z=a.z+b.z}); // any class can define own add implementation
public void test(){
var t1=agg<A>.add(new A{z=1},new A{z=2});
if(t1.z!=3)throw new Exception("test failed");
var t2=new test<A>(new A{z=1},new A{z=2});
if(t2.res.z!=3)throw new Exception("test failed");