I have an HTML5 canvas controlled and generated by a library of JavaScript files (Craftyjs library mostly).
The canvas generates 2 regular html iframes (same domain) which are stacked on top of each other.
The canvas switches between the two iframes based on calls from the iframes to the parent so I know the code controlling the canvas is easily accessed by their common parent.
I want the parent canvas to either call a function in the iframes to have them focus on a specific element in them or to somehow just have the iframes get focus in general.
I would also prefer to not have to constantly reload/recreate the iframes to get focus.
---- In the Iframe ----
//The head has a function "focusThis()" to focus on an element in the iframe
//body also has onfocus="focusThis();"
//Call the parent to change to the other iframe
---- In the parent's canvas JS code ----
// I know the function and will hide/show the iframe, but it won't focus
function changeIframe(){
//For now, just switch randomly
MODE = Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
//I am hiding the iframes here, then showing the one that should be seen
Crafty("Game1").each(function () {this.visible = false});
Crafty("Game2").each(function () {this.visible = false});
//Switch the iframes
//Show this iframe
Crafty("iframe1").each(function () {this.visible = true});
These are things I have tried to get to work
When it doesn't throw an error it doesn't do anything in chrome or FireFox.
(Object [object global] has no method 'focusThis') is a common error
//var iframe_window = window.frames["iframe1"];
var frame = document.getElementById("iframe1");
//....Same thing but for iframe2
Any help would be greatly appreciated.