I am trying to understand the combination of 3 simple php code lines, This is the code:
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
So this is the code and as i understand the first line ob_end_clean();, Can help for example with BOM(Byte order mark), So the first line is to prevent any previous output.
The second line header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); is the header.
And the third line exit terminates the script execution.
If i remove the first line and i got a BOM at the document i get blank page (No 404).
If i remove the third line (with and without the BOM), I get the page i wanted no blank page and no 404.
- Mabye if anyone can explain why should i use the exit After the 404 header
- Also why with the BOM i dont get "headers already sent error"
Thank you all and have a nice day.