我创建了一个视频来解释我的问题。以文本形式 - 我的主窗体在计时器运行时崩溃,我不知道为什么,应用程序继续运行,即使主窗体似乎已经崩溃。
namespace ItunesGamesEqualiser
public partial class GUI : Form
private void refreshBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
timer1.Interval = prbLevel.Value;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
AudioSessionControl session;
AudioSessionControl itunesSession;
MMDeviceEnumerator DevEnum = new MMDeviceEnumerator();
MMDevice device = DevEnum.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(EDataFlow.eRender, ERole.eMultimedia);
// Note the AudioSession manager did not have a method to enumerate all sessions in windows Vista
// this will only work on Win7 and newer.
for (int i = 0; i < device.AudioSessionManager.Sessions.Count; i++)
itunesSession = device.AudioSessionManager.Sessions[i];
if (itunesSession.SessionIdentifier.Contains("iTunes") == true) //find itunes audio service
for (int j = 0; j < device.AudioSessionManager.Sessions.Count; j++)
session = device.AudioSessionManager.Sessions[j];
if (session.SessionIdentifier.Contains("iTunes") == false) //find game audio service
if (session.State == AudioSessionState.AudioSessionStateActive)
Process p = Process.GetProcessById((int)session.ProcessID);
Console.WriteLine("ProcessName: {0}", p.ProcessName);
AudioMeterInformation mi = session.AudioMeterInformation;
AudioMeterInformation imi = itunesSession.AudioMeterInformation;
SimpleAudioVolume vol = session.SimpleAudioVolume;
SimpleAudioVolume ivol = itunesSession.SimpleAudioVolume;
//int start = Console.CursorTop;
ivol.MasterVolume = 1;
float origVol = ivol.MasterVolume;
while (true)
//Draw a VU meter
int len = (int)(mi.MasterPeakValue * 79);
int ilen = (int)(imi.MasterPeakValue * 79);
//Console.SetCursorPosition(0, start);
//Game Meter
if (len > 30)
float curvol = origVol - (0.1f * (len - 10) / 10);
if (curvol < 0) curvol = 0;
ivol.MasterVolume = curvol;
prbLevel.Value = len;
ivol.MasterVolume = origVol;
//If we end up here there where no open audio sessions to monitor.
lblName.Text = "No game found, please start game and iTunes";
private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)