I am very new to JavaScript what is related to it.

I have a set of dynamic rows and corresponding columns to those rows. In one column I have a button. When I click on it, it displays the results of a select query in another page based on the Posted Competence_ID.

The query works fine and I get correct results when I click on the button. However, what I would like to do now, is to display that message in an alert when the button is clicked and stay on the same page rather than opening a new tab..

Here is the relevant HTML code that shows the table I use:

echo "<table border='1' id='mycompstable' class='sortablee' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Competence Group</th><th>Competence Class</th><th>Competence Description</th><th>Own Evaluation</th><th>Manager's evaluation from last year</th><th>Target levels</th><th>Gap</th><th>Action</th><th class='unsortable'>Action ready target </th></tr>";

foreach($descs as $compi){  
    echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>".$compi['Competence_ID']."</td>";
        echo "<td><p style='text-align: center;'>".$compi['Competence_Group']."</p></td>";
        if(isset($compi['Competence_class'])){echo "<td>".$compi['Competence_class']."</td>";}else echo "<td><p style='text-align: center;'>-</p></td>";
        echo "<td>".$compi['Competence_Description']."</td>";
        echo "<td class='evaluation'>";
            echo "<select class='ownlevelselect' id='ownlevelselect-.".$compi['Competence_ID']."' name='level-".$compi['Competence_ID']."' >";
               if (isset($compi['ownlevel']) && $compi['ownlevel']!= '' && !empty($compi['ownlevel']) && $compi['ownlevel']!= 0) {
                  echo "<option selected value='".$compi['ownlevel']."' selected='selected'>".$compi['ownlevel']."</option>";

                echo "<option value='' >--</option>";
                echo "<option value='1'>1</option><option value='2'>2</option><option value='3'>3</option><option value='4'>4</option><option value='5'>5</option>";
            echo "</select>";
            echo $compi['ownlevel'];

            echo '<a test="'.$compi['Competence_ID'].'" onClick="showLevels('.$compi['Competence_ID'].');" target="_blank" href="'.INDEX.'?categ='.$_GET['categ'].'&action='.$_GET['action'].'&subaction=viewlevels'.'&levels='.$compi['Competence_ID'].'">';
            echo '<img class="linkki" src="'.KUVAT.'paivita.gif" alt="'._("tiedot").'" title="'._("Click to view the description of each level?").'"/></a>';
        echo "</td>";

Here is the code to retrieve the data:

    function fetchlevels($Competence_id){
    $this->query="SELECT * FROM levels WHERE comp_id=".$_REQUEST['levels'];
    return $tulos;

And here is the page that I want to show in the message:

echo "Levels explanation for the competence:".$comp['Competence_Description']."<br>";

echo "Level 1 =  ".$levels[0]['lvl1'];
echo "<br>"."level 2 = ".$levels[0]['lvl2'];
echo "<br>"."level 3 = ".$levels[0]['lvl3'];
echo "<br>"."level 4 = ".$levels[0]['lvl4'];
echo "<br>"."level 5 = ".$levels[0]['lvl5'];
echo "<br><br>";
echo '<input type="button" value="close" window onclick="window.close();">';


Any kind of help would be very much appreciated


2 回答 2


这是 jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ncubica/Umxjb/中的 Ajax 模拟


<i style='display:none' id="loadingPopup">Loading</i>
        <td data-id="td1"> row 1</td>
        <td data-id="td2"> row 2</td>
        <td data-id="td3"> row 3</td>


$("table").on("click", function(event){
    var $target = $(event.target); 
        var id = $target.attr("data-id");

//simulating ajax

function makeAjax(id){
    //you will have to use ajax an retrieve you json format
    //i will simulate ajax only
    var _json = { id : id, value : "some value", description : "some description"};
    setTimeout(function(){response(_json)}, 1000);

function response(_json){
    alert(_json.id + " - " + _json.value);


table{font-family:arial; font-size:12px; width:100%}
table tr td{border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding:10px;}
于 2013-04-26T14:29:30.877 回答


echo '<a onClick="showLevels('.$compi['Competence_ID'].');">';
echo '<img class="linkki" src="'.KUVAT.'paivita.gif" alt="'._("tiedot").'" title="'._("Click to view the description of each level?").'"/></a>';


function showLevels(comp_id)

    type: "GET",
    url: "process_file.php?comp_id="+comp_id,
    success: function (result) {


    //Your database Config.
    $this->query="SELECT * FROM levels WHERE comp_id=".$comp_id;
     //Proper Output Actions

    echo "Levels explanation for the competence:".$comp['Competence_Description']."<br>";

    echo "Level 1 =  ".$levels[0]['lvl1'];
    echo "<br>"."level 2 = ".$levels[0]['lvl2'];
    echo "<br>"."level 3 = ".$levels[0]['lvl3'];
    echo "<br>"."level 4 = ".$levels[0]['lvl4'];
    echo "<br>"."level 5 = ".$levels[0]['lvl5'];
    echo "<br><br>";

于 2013-04-25T13:23:18.057 回答