任何帮助将不胜感激,一旦我退出菜单并尝试输入某些内容,我的程序就会退出,我一直在绞尽脑汁试图弄清楚这一点并且非常烦人,因为在我解决这个问题之前我无法完成其他任何事情. 我是 C++ 的初学者,所以如果它是菜鸟的错误,请不要指责我,哈哈!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct cust
int employeeno, deptno;
char fname[10], sname[10], weekend[10];
float hours, othours, rate, otrate, normalpay, otpay, grosspay, netpay, totalni, totaltax, ni, tax;
int Menu(int& menuchoice);
void InputRecords(cust c[], int row, int menuchoice);
int Calculations(cust c[]);
int SearchNumber(cust c[], int &row);
int DeleteRecords();
int TotalPay();
int main()
struct cust c[100];
int menuchoice, row;
if (menuchoice == 1){
InputRecords(c, row, menuchoice);
if (menuchoice == 2){
SearchNumber(c, row);
if (menuchoice == 3){
if (menuchoice == 4){
if (menuchoice == 5){
//Calculations(cust c[]);
int Menu(int& menuchoice){
cout << " \n\n\n\n\n 1. Input a Payslip" << endl << endl;;
cout << " 2. Read a Payslip " << endl << endl;
cout << " 3. " << endl << endl;
cout << " 4. " << endl << endl;
cout << " 5. Quit the Program" << endl << endl;
cin >> menuchoice;
void InputRecords(cust c[], int row, int menuchoice){
char another;
cout << "Please Enter Their Employee Number: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].employeeno;
cout << "Please Enter Their First Name: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].fname,9;
cout << "Please Enter Their Second Name: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].sname,9;
cout << "Please Enter Their Department Number 1 - 9: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].deptno;
cout << "Please Enter The Hours They Have Worked: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].hours;
if (c[row].hours >= 37.5){
cout << "Please Enter Any Overtime They Have Worked: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].othours;
cout << "Please Enter Their Rate of Pay: " << endl;
cin >> c[row].rate;
cout << "Please Enter The Date of the Week End (DD/MM/YYYY): " << endl;
cin >> c[row].weekend, 9;
cout << endl;
//Putting it in the file.
ofstream timesheetFile("Timesheet.txt", ios::app);
cout << "File has been opened." << endl;
timesheetFile << c[row].employeeno << " " << c[row].fname << " " << c[row].sname << " " << c[row].deptno << " " << c[row].hours << " " << c[row].othours << " " << c[row].rate << " " << c[row].weekend << "\n" << endl;
cout << "Error! File is not open." << endl;
cout << "Would you like to enter another record? Y/N : ";
cin >> another;
cout << endl << endl;
}while(row<100 && another == 'y');
//read records
int SearchNumber(cust c[], int &row){
int empno;
cout << "Enter Employee Number : ";
cin >> empno;
for (int i=0; i < row; i++)
if (empno == c[i].employeeno){
cout << c[i].employeeno << endl << c[i].fname << c[i].sname << endl;
int DeleteRecords(){
int Calculations(float normalpay, float& hours, float& rate, float otpay, float otrate, float& othours, float grosspay, float tax, float ni, float netpay, float totalni, float totaltax){
ni = 6.8 / 100;
tax = 12.75 / 100;
otrate = 1.5 * rate;
normalpay = hours * rate ;
otpay = otrate * othours;
grosspay = normalpay + otpay;
totalni = grosspay * ni;
totaltax = tax * grosspay;
netpay = normalpay + otpay - totaltax - totalni;
// cout << totaltax << endl;
// cout << totalni << endl;
// cout << netpay << endl;
int TotalPay(){