This is Grails 1.3.7, and not Grails 2.x. Very important because there are all sorts of nice features in Grails 2.x that would really help us out, but don't seem to be available in this version. The developer is attempting to upgrade, but it might take a while.

Straight to the heart of the issue. We build with Jenkins and Ivy. We have our grails app using our local Maven repository, but it uses the default $HOME/.ivy/cache for the cache. We need some way to redefine it.

We found this tidbit in the 1.3.7 documentation which seems to give us what we may need:

4.5 Ant and Maven


Ant Integration

When you create a Grails application via the create-app command, Grails automatically creates an Apache Ant build.xml file for you containing the following targets:

Sounds great. However, when I run grails create-app foo, I could not find a build.xml file in my foo project.

Is there something I need to do in order to create this build.xml that the documentation isn't telling me?

And, yes. I know about grails.dependency.cache.dir, but that's not introduced to Release 2.0.4.


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您可以尝试使用该命令grails integrate-with --ant来生成build.xml. 在此处找到特定于 Grails 1.3.7 的详细信息。

于 2013-04-24T03:42:10.727 回答