如果我没记错的话,ISIN 数字最后一个位置是验证数字。在前 11 位数字的函数中确定其值的数学函数是什么?


8 回答 8


Building on the examples of others, here is a C# implementation which will validate both ISINs and CUSIPs (and maybe some other Luhn variations).


foreach (var isin in ValidIsins)
    var calculatedChecksum = SecuritiesValidation.CalculateChecksum(isin.Substring(0, 11));
    var actualChecksum = (isin.Last() - '0');
    Assert.AreEqual(calculatedChecksum, actualChecksum);
foreach (var cusip in ValidCusips)
    var calculatedChecksum = SecuritiesValidation.CalculateChecksum(cusip.Substring(0, 8), true, true);
    var actualChecksum = (cusip.Last() - '0');
    Assert.AreEqual(calculatedChecksum, actualChecksum);


public static class SecuritiesValidation
    public static int CalculateChecksum(IEnumerable<char> codeWithoutChecksum, bool reverseLuhn = false, bool allowSymbols = false)
        return reverseLuhn
            ? codeWithoutChecksum
                .Select((c, i) => c.OrdinalPosition(allowSymbols).ConditionalMultiplyByTwo(i.IsOdd()).SumDigits())
            : codeWithoutChecksum
                .Select((d, i) => d.ConditionalMultiplyByTwo(i.IsEven()).SumDigits())

    public static bool IsChecksumCorrect(string code, bool reverseLuhn = false, bool allowSymbols = false)
            var checksum = code.Last().ToInt();
            return checksum == CalculateChecksum(code.Take(code.Length - 1), reverseLuhn, allowSymbols);
            return false;

    /* Be careful here. This method is probably inapropriate for anything other than its designed purpose of Luhn-algorithm based validation.
     * Specifically:
     * - numbers are assigned a value equal to the number ('0' == 0, '1' == 1).
     * - letters are assigned a value indicating the number 9 plus the letters ordinal position in the English alphabet ('A' == 10, 'B' == 11).
     * - if symbols are allowed (eg: for CUSIP validation), they are assigned values beginning from 36 ('*' == 36, '@' == 37).
    private static int OrdinalPosition(this char c, bool allowSymbols = false)
        if (char.IsLower(c))
            return char.ToUpper(c) - 'A' + 10;

        if (char.IsUpper(c))
            return c - 'A' + 10;

        if (char.IsDigit(c))
            return c.ToInt();

        if (allowSymbols)
            switch (c)
                case '*':
                    return 36;
                case '@':
                    return 37;
                case '#':
                    return 38;
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified character is not a letter, digit or allowed symbol.");

    private static bool IsEven(this int x)
        return (x % 2 == 0);

    private static bool IsOdd(this int x)
        return !IsEven(x);

    private static int ToInt(this char digit)
        if (char.IsDigit(digit))
            return digit - '0';
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Specified character is not a digit.");

    private static IEnumerable<int> ToDigits(this char[] s, bool allowSymbols = false)
        var digits = new List<int>();
        for (var i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var ordinalPosition = s[i].OrdinalPosition(allowSymbols);
            digits.Add(ordinalPosition % 10);
            if (ordinalPosition > 9)
                digits.Add(ordinalPosition / 10);
        return digits;

    private static int SumDigits(this int value)
        //return value > 9 ? ((value / 10) + (value % 10)) : value;
        return ((value / 10) + (value % 10));

    private static int ConditionalMultiplyByTwo(this int value, bool condition)
        return condition ? value * 2 : value;

    private static int TensComplement(this int value)
        return (10 - (value % 10)) % 10;

It will likely make sense to use checksum validation in conjunction with a regular expression pattern match. These are the regex I use:


CUSIP: ^[A-Z0-9]{8}[0-9]$

于 2015-03-20T15:27:37.703 回答


计算 ISIN 校验位的过程类似于 CUSIP 中使用的“Modulus 10 Double Add Double”技术。要计算校验位,首先将任何字母转换为数字,方法是将它们在字母表中的序数位置加到 9,这样 A = 10 和 M = 22。从最右边的数字开始,每隔一个数字乘以 2。(对于 CUSIP 校验位,这两个步骤是相反的。)将生成的数字串(大于 9 的数字变成两个单独的数字)相加。从大于或等于它的以零结尾的最小数字减去这个和:这给出了校验位,也称为和模 10 的十进制补码。也就是说,得到的和,包括校验 -数,是 10 的倍数。


于 2013-04-22T06:51:15.773 回答


  1. 将每个字母替换为其序数(A=1,B=2 等等)加上 9 ->在此处输入图像描述
  2. 对于从最右边位置 ( 在此处输入图像描述) 开始的偶数位置的每个数字,将其替换为其 double 的数字(两个向量条目中的两个数字) -> 在此处输入图像描述
  3. 验证码:


JavaScript 中一个可能的实现是:

function getVerificationCode(isin)
 if(isin.length != 12) return null;
 var v = []; 
 for(var i = isin.length-2; i >= 0; i--)
    var c = isin.charAt(i);
    if(isNaN(c)) //Not a digit
        var letterCode = isin.charCodeAt(i)-55; //Char ordinal + 9
        v.push(letterCode % 10);
        if(letterCode > 9)
 var sum = 0;
 var l = v.length;
 for(var i = 0; i < l; i++)
     if(i % 2 == 0)
    var d = v[i]*2;
    sum += Math.floor(d/10);
    sum += d % 10;
    sum += v[i];
 return 10 - (sum  % 10);

编辑: 包括@queso 更新:

function getVerificationCode(isin) {
    if (isin.length != 12) return false;
    var v = [];
    for (var i = isin.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        var c = isin.charAt(i);
        if (isNaN(c)) { //not a digit
            var letterCode = isin.charCodeAt(i) - 55; //Char ordinal + 9
            v.push(letterCode % 10);
            if (letterCode > 9) {
                v.push(Math.floor(letterCode / 10));
        } else {
    var sum = 0;
    var l = v.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            var d = v[i] * 2;
            sum += Math.floor(d / 10);
            sum += d % 10;
        } else {
            sum += v[i];
    return (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10
于 2013-04-22T07:45:17.313 回答

感谢@pablo@queso ,我与您分享了 Matlab 中的一个函数。

function isISIN = checkISINCode(Isin)
% see:
%   - source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Securities_Identification_Number
%   - source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16140753/how-to-validate-a-international-securities-identification-number-isin-number
    isISIN = 0; 

    if length(Isin) ~= 12

    v = [];
    for i = (length(Isin)-1):-1:1
        c = Isin(i);
        if isnan(str2double(Isin(i)))
            % from ASCII 
            letterCode = double(upper(Isin(i))) - 64 + 9; 
            v = [mod(letterCode, 10), v];
            if letterCode > 9
                v = [floor(letterCode/10),v];
            v = [int8(str2double(Isin(i))), v];

    sum_ = 0;
    l = length(v);
    for i=1:l
        if(mod(i-1,2) == 0)
            d = v(i) * 2.;
            sum_ = sum_ + floor( double(d) / 10.0);
            sum_ = sum_ + mod(d, 10);
            sum_ = sum_ + v(i);
    checkValue = mod((10 - mod(sum_, 10)),10);

    % Check Computed value with last digit
    isISIN = int8(str2double(Isin(end))) == checkValue;
于 2018-10-09T12:32:50.683 回答

我想分享我在 R 中的实现。它不需要任何特定的包。

mgsub 是一种支持功能,允许在一个命令中替换 ISIN 代码中的所有字符。它是从用 gsub 替换多个带重音的字母复制而来的

iso3166alpha2$Code包含 Grenade列出的国家/地区列表

该算法在函数中实现,如果 ISIN 代码有效isIsin(x),则返回TRUE

mgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
  if (length(pattern)!=length(replacement)) {
    stop("pattern and replacement do not have the same length.")
  result <- x
  for (i in 1:length(pattern)) {
    result <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], result, ...)

isIsin <- function (identifier) {

  correctPrefix <- substr(identifier, 1, 2) %in% c(iso3166alpha2$Code, "XS")

  correctLength <- nchar(identifier) == 12  

  correctCharset <- !grepl('[[:punct:]]', identifier)

  if(!correctPrefix | !correctLength | !correctCharset) {

  # replace all character with its equivalent number  
  identifierOnlyNumbers <- mgsub(LETTERS, seq(10, 35), substr(identifier, 1, 11))

  # split the identifier in single digits and reverse its order
  characterVector <- rev(unlist(strsplit(identifierOnlyNumbers, "")))

  # Double every second digit of the group of digits with the rightmost character
  characterVector[seq(1, nchar(identifierOnlyNumbers), 2)] <- 
    as.character(as.numeric(characterVector[seq(1, nchar(identifierOnlyNumbers), 2)]) * 2)

  # Subtract 9 if > 9 (can apply to all since no digit can be greater than 9 before doubling)
  # Add up the digits
  summation <- sum(ifelse(as.numeric(characterVector) > 9, as.numeric(characterVector) - 9, as.numeric(characterVector)))

  # Take the 10s modulus of the sum, subtract it from 10 and take the 10s modulus of the result 
  # this final step is important in the instance where the modulus of the sum is 0, as the resulting check digit would be 10
  correctCheckDigit <- (10 - (summation %% 10)) %% 10 == as.numeric(substr(identifier, 12, 12))


于 2018-02-02T14:46:25.347 回答

这是 Swift 中的一种方法。

它首先使用正则表达式检查要求 2 个字母 + 10 个字母数字字符

func validateISIN(_ isin : String) -> Bool {
    guard isin.range(of: "^[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{10}$", options: .regularExpression) != nil,
        let checksum = Int(isin.suffix(1)) else { return false }
    let digits = isin.dropLast().map{Int(String($0), radix: 36)!}.map(String.init).joined()
    var sum = 0
    var evenFlag = true
    digits.reversed().forEach { character in
        var integer = Int(String(character))!
        if evenFlag { integer *= 2 }
        sum += integer / 10
        sum += integer % 10
    return (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10 == checksum
于 2019-08-23T08:58:18.843 回答

kotlin 版本来验证校验和:

fun check(isin: String): Boolean {
    val isinInts = isin.map { it.toString().toInt(36) }
        .joinToString("").map { Character.getNumericValue(it) }
    val multipliers = isinInts.indices.map { it % 2 + 1 }.reversed()
    val sum = multipliers.indices.sumOf { index: Int ->
        (isinInts[index] * multipliers[index]).let { it / 10 + it % 10 }
    return (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10 == 0
于 2021-07-28T13:27:17.583 回答
function cusipToIsin($CUSIP, $Country)
    if (strlen($CUSIP) == 9) {
        $string = charToCusipBinary($Country) . charToCusipBinary($CUSIP); //Convert any letters to numbers
        $arrayString = str_split($string);
        //check wether string length is even or odd
        if (strlen($string) % 2 != 0) {
            $num = 0;
            foreach ($arrayString as $key => $value) {
                //Collect odd and even characters
                if ($key % 2 != 0) {
                    $values = $value;
                } else {
                    $values = $value * 2; //The key is in odd position, so Multiply by 2
                $sumValue = array_sum(str_split($values)); //Add up the individual digits
                $num += $sumValue;
            $isinCheckDigit = (10 - ($num % 10)) % 10;
            $result1 = strtoupper($Country . $CUSIP . $isinCheckDigit);
        } else {
            $num = 0;
            foreach ($arrayString as $key => $value) {
                //Collect odd and even characters
                if ($key % 2 != 0) {
                    $values = $value * 2; //The key is in even position, so Multiply by 2
                } else {
                    $values = $value;
                $sumValue = array_sum(str_split($values)); //Add up the individual digits
                $num += $sumValue;
            $isinCheckDigit = (10 - ($num % 10)) % 10;
            $result1 = strtoupper($Country . $CUSIP . $isinCheckDigit);
        $Validate = isinValidate($result1);
        if ($Validate == true) {
            $result = $result1;
        } else {
            $result = 'Please check the CUSIP';
    } else {
        $result = 'Please check the CUSIP';
    return $result;

function charToCusipBinary($string)
    return strtr(strtoupper($string), ['A' => '10', 'B' => '11', 'C' => '12', 'D' => '13', 'E' => '14', 'F' => '15', 'G' => '16', 'H' => '17', 'I' => '18', 'J' => '19', 'K' => '20', 'L' => '21', 'M' => '22', 'N' => '23', 'O' => '24', 'P' => '25', 'Q' => '26', 'R' => '27', 'S' => '28', 'T' => '29', 'U' => '30', 'V' => '31', 'W' => '32', 'X' => '33', 'Y' => '34', 'Z' => '35']);

function isinValidate($isin)
    if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}[0-9]$/i', $isin)) {
        return false;
    $base10 = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 11; $i++) {
        $base10 .= base_convert($isin{$i}, 36, 10);
    $checksum = 0;
    $len = strlen($base10) - 1;
    $parity = $len % 2;
    for ($i = $len; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        $weighted = $base10{$i} << (($i - $parity) & 1);
        $checksum += $weighted % 10 + (int) ($weighted / 10);
    return !(bool) ($checksum % 10);

echo cusipToIsin('78012KD61', 'US'); //ISIN: US78012KD617
于 2018-04-17T09:18:57.037 回答