我正在根据命题逻辑语法的BNF 定义在快乐上制作一个简单的命题逻辑解析器,这是我的代码
module FNC where
import Data.Char
import System.IO
-- Parser name, token types and error function name:
%name parse Prop
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
-- Token list:
var { TokenVar $$ } -- alphabetic identifier
or { TokenOr }
and { TokenAnd }
'¬' { TokenNot }
"=>" { TokenImp } -- Implication
"<=>" { TokenDImp } --double implication
'(' { TokenOB } --open bracket
')' { TokenCB } --closing bracket
'.' {TokenEnd}
%left "<=>"
%left "=>"
%left or
%left and
%left '¬'
%left '(' ')'
Prop :: {Sentence}
Prop : Sentence '.' {$1}
Sentence :: {Sentence}
Sentence : AtomSent {Atom $1}
| CompSent {Comp $1}
AtomSent :: {AtomSent}
AtomSent : var { Variable $1 }
CompSent :: {CompSent}
CompSent : '(' Sentence ')' { Bracket $2 }
| Sentence Connective Sentence {Bin $2 $1 $3}
| '¬' Sentence {Not $2}
Connective :: {Connective}
Connective : and {And}
| or {Or}
| "=>" {Imp}
| "<=>" {DImp}
--Error function
parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError _ = error ("parseError: Syntax analysis error.\n")
--Data types to represent the grammar
data Sentence
= Atom AtomSent
| Comp CompSent
deriving Show
data AtomSent = Variable String deriving Show
data CompSent
= Bin Connective Sentence Sentence
| Not Sentence
| Bracket Sentence
deriving Show
data Connective
= And
| Or
| Imp
| DImp
deriving Show
--Data types for the tokens
data Token
= TokenVar String
| TokenOr
| TokenAnd
| TokenNot
| TokenImp
| TokenDImp
| TokenOB
| TokenCB
| TokenEnd
deriving Show
lexer :: String -> [Token]
lexer [] = [] -- cadena vacia
lexer (c:cs) -- cadena es un caracter, c, seguido de caracteres, cs.
| isSpace c = lexer cs
| isAlpha c = lexVar (c:cs)
| isSymbol c = lexSym (c:cs)
| c== '(' = TokenOB : lexer cs
| c== ')' = TokenCB : lexer cs
| c== '¬' = TokenNot : lexer cs --solved
| c== '.' = [TokenEnd]
| otherwise = error "lexer: Token invalido"
lexVar cs =
case span isAlpha cs of
("or",rest) -> TokenOr : lexer rest
("and",rest) -> TokenAnd : lexer rest
(var,rest) -> TokenVar var : lexer rest
lexSym cs =
case span isSymbol cs of
("=>",rest) -> TokenImp : lexer rest
("<=>",rest) -> TokenDImp : lexer rest
- 出于某种原因,我遇到了 4 个 shift/reduce 冲突,我真的不知道它们可能在哪里,因为我认为优先级会解决它们(而且我认为我正确地遵循了 BNF 语法)......
- (这是一个 Haskell 问题)在我的词法分析器函数中,由于某种原因,我在说如何处理 '¬' 的那一行出现解析错误,如果我删除该行它是有效的,为什么会这样?(这个问题解决了)