I recently succesfully split an access database. Everything seems to be functioning correctly apart from calling named data macros from a linked table. When attempting to call it through any front-end interface I get:

The data macro <linked table>.<macro name> could not be found.

I am calling these named data macros through a button on a (front-end) form that uses its own macro to run the "RunDataMacro" command.

Before the database was split, selecting "RunDataMacro" provided me with a drop down list of all the named data macros currently attached to my tables. Now if I try it (with all my tables linked instead of being local) the drop down list is empty.

I have struggled to find similar problems online which leads me to believe it may be due to a small mistake, but I can't be sure. Nothing I have read leads me to believe that named data macros shouldn't work in this case.

Any idea on where I might be going wrong would be much appreciated


1 回答 1


链接表。链接表不支持数据宏;但是,您可以为典型的前端/后端应用程序在后端 ACCDB 数据库上关联逻辑。


就个人而言,我无法忍受宏。我发现它们太局限了,调试起来很痛苦,而且你必须到处寻找各种宏。我意识到它的界面使它易于构建,但我建议学习 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)。您会在网络上找到大量示例来帮助您解决几乎所有问题。另外,您会在这里找到更多我们来帮助解决您在编写 VBA 时可能遇到的未来问题。


于 2013-04-21T14:43:44.820 回答