我找到了隐藏在这个小宝石后面的一个非常讨厌的错误。我知道,根据 C++ 规范,有符号溢出是未定义的行为,但只有当值扩展到 bit-width 时才会发生溢出sizeof(int)。据我了解,char只要sizeof(char) < sizeof(int). 但这并不能解释如何c获得不可能的价值。作为一个 8 位整数,如何c保存大于其位宽的值?


// Compiled with gcc-4.7.2
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <climits>

int main()
   int8_t c = 0;
   printf("SCHAR_MIN: %i\n", SCHAR_MIN);
   printf("SCHAR_MAX: %i\n", SCHAR_MAX);

   for (int32_t i = 0; i <= 300; i++)
      printf("c: %i\n", c--);

   printf("c: %i\n", c);

   return 0;


c: 0
c: -1
c: -2
c: -3
c: -127
c: -128  // <= The next value should still be an 8-bit value.
c: -129  // <= What? That's more than 8 bits!
c: -130  // <= Uh...
c: -131
c: -297
c: -298  // <= Getting ridiculous now.
c: -299
c: -300
c: -45   // <= ..........



9 回答 9




如果c定义为int8_t,并int8_t提升为int,则应该在算术c--中执行减法并将结果转换回。减法不会溢出,将超出范围的整数值转换为另一种整数类型是有效的。如果目标类型是有符号的,则结果是实现定义的,但它必须是目标类型的有效值。(如果目标类型是无符号的,则结果是明确定义的,但这不适用于此处。)c - 1intint8_tint

于 2013-04-20T22:24:04.650 回答

A compiler can have bugs which are other than nonconformances to the standard, because there are other requirements. A compiler should be compatible with other versions of itself. It may also be expected to be compatible in some ways with other compilers, and also to conform to some beliefs about behavior that are held by the majority of its user base.

In this case, it appears to be a conformance bug. The expression c-- should manipulate c in a way similar to c = c - 1. Here, the value of c on the right is promoted to type int, and then the subtraction takes place. Since c is in the range of int8_t, this subtraction will not overflow, but it may produce a value which is out of the range of int8_t. When this value is assigned, a conversion takes place back to the type int8_t so the result fits back into c. In the out-of-range case, the conversion has an implementation-defined value. But a value out of the range of int8_t is not a valid implementation-defined value. An implementation cannot "define" that an 8 bit type suddenly holds 9 or more bits. For the value to be implementation-defined means that something in the range of int8_t is produced, and the program continues. The C standard thereby allows for behaviors such as saturation arithmetic (common on DSP's) or wrap-around (mainstream architectures).

The compiler is using a wider underlying machine type when manipulating values of small integer types like int8_t or char. When arithmetic is performed, results which are out of range of the small integer type can be captured reliably in this wider type. To preserve the externally visible behavior that the variable is an 8 bit type, the wider result has to be truncated into the 8 bit range. Explicit code is required to do that since the machine storage locations (registers) are wider than 8 bits and happy with the larger values. Here, the compiler neglected to normalize the value and simply passed it to printf as is. The conversion specifier %i in printf has no idea that the argument originally came from int8_t calculations; it is just working with an int argument.

于 2013-04-21T04:01:41.940 回答



我测试了发布在 Ideone 上的代码并替换c--c = c - 1,值保持在 [-128 ... 127] 范围内:

c: -123
c: -124
c: -125
c: -126
c: -127
c: -128 // about to overflow
c: 127  // woop
c: 126
c: 125
c: 124
c: 123
c: 122

怪眼?我不太了解编译器对i++or之类的表达式做了什么i--。它可能会将返回值提升为 anint并传递它。这是我能得出的唯一合乎逻辑的结论,因为您实际上得到的值无法放入 8 位。

于 2013-04-20T22:16:18.993 回答

我猜底层硬件仍在使用 32 位寄存器来保存该 int8_t。由于规范没有强加溢出行为,因此实现不检查溢出并允许存储更大的值。


于 2013-04-20T22:12:44.090 回答


mov esi, ebx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2   ;"c: %i\n"
sub ebx, 1
call    printf
cmp ebx, -301
jne loop

mov esi, -45
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2   ;"c: %i\n"
xor eax, eax
call    printf

EBX 应与 FF 后减量进行与运算,或者仅应使用 BL 并清除 EBX 的其余部分。好奇它使用 sub 而不是 dec。-45 非常神秘。这是 300 和 255 = 44 的按位反转。-45 = ~44。某处有联系。

它使用 c = c - 1 完成了更多的工作:

mov eax, ebx
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2   ;"c: %i\n"
add ebx, 1
not eax
movsx   ebp, al                 ;uses only the lower 8 bits
xor eax, eax
mov esi, ebp

然后它只使用 RAX 的低部分,因此它被限制为 -128 到 127。编译器选项“-g -O2”。


movzx   eax, BYTE PTR [rbp-1]
sub eax, 1
mov BYTE PTR [rbp-1], al
movsx   edx, BYTE PTR [rbp-1]
mov eax, OFFSET FLAT:.LC2   ;"c: %i\n"
mov esi, edx


于 2013-06-23T18:49:16.047 回答


你看到的是编译器优化的结果,你告诉 printf 打印一个 32 位数字,然后将一个(假设是 8 位)数字压入堆栈,这实际上是指针大小的,因为这就是 x86 中的推送操作码的工作方式。

于 2013-05-05T17:25:31.273 回答


for (int32_t i = 0; i <= 300; i++)
      printf("c: %i\n", c--);

编译器使用int32_t i变量 foric。关闭优化或进行直接投射 printf("c: %i\n", (int8_t)c--);

于 2013-05-05T10:36:25.287 回答

c本身定义为int8_t,但是当操作++--超过int8_t它时,它首先被隐式转换为int操作的结果,而不是c 的内部值用 printf 打印,恰好是int


-301 + 256 = -45 (since it revolved entire 8 bit range once)

它是类似于行为的正确值-128 + 1 = 127

c开始使用int大小内存,但打印int8_t时仅使用8 bits. 32 bits用作时使用所有int


于 2013-06-24T21:42:16.480 回答

我认为这是因为你的循环会一直持续到 int i 变为 300 并且 c 变为 -300。最后一个值是因为

printf("c: %i\n", c);
于 2013-06-20T07:28:00.510 回答