正如我们所有人所做的那样,我正在冒险进入另一个编程项目。我正在使用 xhtml 标准 1.0、CSS、Javascript 和 PHP 手动构建一个网站。这里没什么特别的,但是我在 PHP 开发过程中遇到了一个非常有趣的问题。
$fileVar = fopen("../data/feedback.txt", "a")
or die("Error: Could not open the log file.");
fwrite($fileVar, "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n")
or die("Error: Could not write to the log file.");
fwrite($fileVar, "Date received: ".date("jS \of F, Y \a\\t H:i:s\n"))
or die("Error: Could not write to the log file.");
fwrite($fileVar, $messageToBusiness)
or die("Error: Could not write to the log file.");
我存储反馈文本的目录是我的 public_html(主目录,然后是 easy peasy...data/feedback.txt。
我正在使用标准权限......从字面上看,755 用于目录,644 用于文件,没什么特别的。但是,每次执行时,我都会收到第一个错误。
$messageToBusiness =
"From: ".$_POST['firstname']." "
.$_POST['lastname']."\r\n" .
"E-mail address: ".$_POST['email']."\r\n".
"Phone number: ".$_POST['phone']."\r\n".
"Subject: ".$_POST['Please_Choose']."\r\n".
"Message Text: \r\n".$_POST['Message']."\r\n";
$headerToBusiness = "From: $_POST[email]\r\n";
mail("emailreplacement@gmail.com", $_POST['subject'], $messageToBusiness, $headerToBusiness);
$messageToClient =
"Dear " .$_POST['lastname'].":\r\n".
"The following message was received from you by website:\r\n\r\n".
"------------------------\r\nThank you for the taking the time to contact us, our representatives will respond as soon as we have the appropriate information for you.
Thank you for your patronage.\r\n" .
"Business Rep \r\n------------------------\r\n";
if ($_POST['reply'])
$messageToClient .= "Please feel free to contact us with any more concerns you may have!";
$headerToClient = "From: fakeemail@fake.com\r\n";
mail($_POST['email'], "Re: ".$_POST['subject'], $messageToClient, $headerToClient);
$display = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />\r\n", $messageToClient);
$display =
"<html><head><title>Your Message</title></head><body><tt>".
echo $display;
$fileVar =fopen("../data/feedback.txt", "a")
or die("Error: Could not open the log file.");
fwrite($fileVar, "\n-------------------------------------------------------\n")
or die("Error: Could not write to the log file.");
fwrite($fileVar, "Date received: ".date("jS \of F, Y \a\\t H:i:s\n"))
or die("Error: Could not write to the log file.");
fwrite($fileVar, $messageToBusiness)
or die("Error: Could not write to the log file.");