I have a problem with the "this" reference on Backbone with Coffeescript, this is a method which shows information of an artist:
show: (id) ->
self = @
if @collection
artist = @collection.get(id)
artist = new DemoBackbone.Models.Artist({id: id})
success: ->
renderArtist: (artist) ->
view = new DemoBackbone.Views.ArtistsShow(model: artist)
This works perfectly, but I'm using the "self = @" statement so I can use the Class function "renderArtist", but is there a more "elegant" way to do this on "success: -> self.renderArtist(artist)", so I can avoid using the "self = @" line??
Something like
success: @->
I'm not pretty sure but I think there should be a way to do this. Thanks