我是一名学生,我正准备在 C 级编程中交付我的考试项目。


问题是,每次出现新的高分时,它都会不断添加新的高分。所以如果我玩了 100 场比赛,就会有 100 个高分,我不希望这样。我想对我的高分设置一个限制。我在考虑15。

我有两个想法。第一个想法是程序只读取前 15 个高分。第二个想法是我创建一个读取旧高分列表的子程序,然后将其与新高分进行比较,并检查旧高分列表是否需要更新。



Private Sub skrivhighscore()
    ReDim Preserve HighscoreNavn(UBound(HighscoreNavn) + 1)
    ReDim Preserve HighscoreLevel(UBound(HighscoreLevel) + 1)

'insets the new highscore on the right place so that level is on top
        For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(HighscoreLevel)
        If (level > HighscoreLevel(i)) Then
            'the new highscore is bigger than highscorecount(i). inset the new here but first move the others 
            For j As Integer = UBound(HighscoreLevel) To i + 1 Step -1
                'kopier array(j-1) til array(j)
                HighscoreNavn(j) = HighscoreNavn(j - 1)
                HighscoreLevel(j) = HighscoreLevel(j - 1)
            Next j
            HighscoreNavn(i) = brugernavn
            ' sets highscore name to username. brugernavn = username
            HighscoreLevel(i) = level
            'set shighscorelvel(I) to the level the user died on.
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i

    'clear username and change level to 0
    brugernavn = ""
    level = 0

    'writes highscore to a file so it can be read next time

End Sub    


 Private Sub highscoreboardskriv()
    ' create a file at the same place as the game 
    'append:=False means overwrite and not repleace

    fileWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("HighScore.txt", append:=False)
    For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(HighscoreLevel)
        ' In every line the name is on the first   20 spaces and the score is from space   22
        'example: "Player1            :   2"
        If (HighscoreNavn(i) IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (HighscoreNavn(i).Trim <> "") Then
            ' If username is empty, it will not be written in the highscorelist. by using this method a highscore can be removed. 
            FileLine = HighscoreNavn(i).PadRight(20) & ":" & HighscoreLevel(i).ToString.PadLeft(5)
        End If
    Next i


End Sub


Private Sub Highscore()
    'Now we read both information again from the file 

    Dim HighScoreText As String = ""

    'highscorelist line by line
    For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(HighscoreLevel)
        'takes every spaces in an array (we dont use the first line)
        If (HighscoreNavn(i) IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (HighscoreNavn(i).Trim <> "") Then
            If (HighScoreText <> "") Then
                'new line by every highscore except the first line
                HighScoreText = HighScoreText & vbNewLine
            End If
            'line 1 example: "player1            :   230"
            HighScoreText = HighScoreText & HighscoreNavn(i).PadRight(20) & ":" & HighscoreLevel(i).ToString.PadLeft(5)
        End If
    Next i

    'show highscorelist to user
    MsgBox(HighScoreText, Title:="Highscore list")

End Sub


Public Sub highscoreboardlæs()

Public HighscoreNavn(0) As String
Public HighscoreLevel(0) As Integer
Public level As Integer = 0
Public fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader
Public FileLine As String

        fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader("HighScore.txt")

        FileLine = fileReader.ReadLine()

        While (FileLine <> "") 'loop så længe der er linjer i filen, for at få alle highscores med

            'extend array with 1 extra line

            ReDim Preserve HighscoreNavn(UBound(HighscoreNavn) + 1)
            ReDim Preserve HighscoreLevel(UBound(HighscoreLevel) + 1)

            HighscoreNavn(UBound(HighscoreNavn)) = Mid(FileLine, 1, 20)
            HighscoreLevel(UBound(HighscoreLevel)) = Val(Mid(FileLine, 22, 5))

            'read next line from the file
            FileLine = fileReader.ReadLine()
        End While

        'i use try method, else it will crash if there arent any highscorelist
    End Try
    'MsgBox("Highscore: " & vbNewLine & fileReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine & fileReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine & fileReader.ReadLine())
End Sub

1 回答 1


如果您只想在文件中保留 15 个分数,您可以将所有分数读入一个数组,对其进行排序并将 15 个最高的写回文件中。如果您有更长的分数列表,我不建议您这样做,因为您将所有分数加载到内存中,这可能会给您一个带有更大列表的 OOM(内存不足)异常,但在您的情况下它完全没问题。

Sub AddScore(score%, filePath$)
    Dim Scores As New List(Of Integer)

    ' Loads all the scores into our list
    Using Sr As New IO.StreamReader(filePath)
        Do Until Sr.EndOfStream
    End Using

    Scores.Sort() ' Sort it
    Scores.Reverse() ' Reverse it, as the the highest scores is at the bottom. You would property want to just read trough the last 15 items in the list rather than reversing it, but I'm just being lazy.

    ' Write the first 15
    Using Sw As New IO.StreamWriter(filePath, False)
        For i = 0 To Math.Min(Scores.Count - 1, 14)
    End Using
End Sub

哦,顺便说一句,你的瑞典语对吗?你介意给我发个 PM,因为我对瑞典的编程学校很感兴趣。

于 2013-04-20T18:37:10.760 回答