我的任务是用 7 种语言完成凯撒密码。我目前正在努力完成它 Erlang。我之前接触过函数式语言,所以我大致了解我需要做什么。我特别难以理解 Erlang 中 foreach 函数的用法。我知道当你对副作用感兴趣时会使用它,所以我很确定这是做我想做的事情的“正确”方式。我在这里阅读了Erlang 语言参考中的这个答案和 foreach 的定义。但是,我仍然有点困惑并且无法正确使用语法。


enc(Char,Key) when (Char >= $A) and (Char =< $Z) or
               (Char >= $a) and (Char =< $z) -> 
Offset = $A + Char band 32, N = Char - Offset,
Offset + (N + Key) rem 26;

enc(Char, _Key) ->  Char.

encMsg(Msg, Key) ->
   lists:map(fun(Char) -> enc(Char, Key) end, Msg).

main(Message, Key) -> 

Encode = (Key), 
Decode = (-Key),
Range = lists:seq(1,26),

io:format("Message: : ~s~n", [Message]),
Encrypted = encMsg(Message, Encode),
Decrypted = encMsg(Encrypted, Decode),

io:format("Encrypted:  ~s~n", [Encrypted]), 
io:format("Decrypted: ~s~n", [Decrypted]),
io:format("Solution: ").
    %% Foreach belongs here, should execute Encrypted = encMsg(Message, N) where
    %% N is the value in Range for each value in the list, and then print Encrypted.

1 回答 1



lists:foreach(fun(N) ->
                      Encr = encMsg(Message, N),
                      io:format("Key:~p Encrypted: ~p",[N,Encr])
              end, Range).
于 2013-04-19T19:07:40.303 回答