class song{
std::string artist;
std::string title;
std::string size;
我知道可以使用 bool 运算符重载 > 但是如果我希望它按艺术家排序,然后按标题,然后按大小,有什么方法可以指定比较顺序吗?
When you create your operator<
you specify the order of attributes you wish to use in the comparison.
Creating such operators is actually almost trivial with boost::tie
(or std::tie
if you are able to use C++11):
bool operator<(const song& left, const song& right)
return boost::tie(left.artist, left.title, left.size) < boost::tie(right.artist, right.title, right.size);
class song
static compareArtist(const song &a, const song &b)
return a.artist > b.artist;
static compareTitle(const song &a, const song &b)
return a.title > b.title;
if (sortby == artist)
sort(songs.begin(), songs.end(), song::compareArtist);
else if (sortby == title)
sort(songs.begin(), songs.end(), song::compareTitle);
您可以将 std::sort 与 lambda 一起使用。
std::sort(songs.begin(), songs.end(),
[](const Song& s1, const Song& s2)
// any comparison code you want.
return result;
You want to overload operator<
not operator>
bool operator<(const song& x, const song& y)
if (x.artist < y.artist)
return true;
if (x.artist > y.artist)
return false;
if (x.title < y.title)
return true;
if (x.title > y.title)
return false;
if (x.size < y.size)
return true;
if (x.size > y.size)
return false;
return false;
There are any number of variations on this, but that works for me.