I backed up the entire public_html folder, and had the mysql backed up as well. I'm new to Magento so I did a clean install and a mysqlimport with the database. Seems like the site is almost fully back in order but the template doesn't look the same. It's using the default Magento template. I didn't copy the entire public_html folder over for the reason of having a different mysql username/password.

I tried to copy over media, skin/frontend, and app/design/frontend folders. I just need to get the original template back and I think the site should be fine.


1 回答 1


Magento 非常便携,它只是归结为一堆文件和一个数据库。移动/克隆安装时,您需要做的就是移动/备份整个文件集和数据库(正如您已经完成的那样),并且在恢复时将文件集放在新位置并将 sql 转储导入新数据库。


SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE '%base_url';


var/cache/最后请记住,目录和目录中可能有大量文件,var/session/这会增加备份的大小。删除 的内容是安全的,var/cache/但删除 的内容var/session/会杀死所有用户会话,因此在执行此操作之前肯定要做两次。

我建议您按照此过程恢复您的 Magento 安装。

于 2013-04-17T16:15:07.287 回答