在这个问题中,Oleg 描述了如何从 jqGrid 的行 ID 中检索行数据。
在我的代码中,我想在 subGridRowExpanded 中显示有关一行的更多数据:
standardGrid.subGridRowExpanded = function (subgridId, rowId) {
var dataFromTheRow = jQuery('#CompanyGrid').jqGrid('getRowData', rowId);
var html = '<span style="padding-left:80px">' + dataFromTheRow.CompanyName + ' ' +
dataFromTheRow.StatusDesc + '</span>';
$("#" + subgridId).html(html);
var colModel = [
{ name: 'CompanyID', label: 'Id', width: 30, align: "right" },
{ name: 'CompanyName', label: 'Company Name', search: true, formatter: CompanyLink },
function CompanyLink(cellValue, options, rowdata, action) {
return '<a href="CompanyProfile.aspx?CompanyId=' + rowdata.CompanyID + '">' +
rowdata.CompanyName + '</a>';
所以,我尝试向 col 模型添加一个 unformat 。基于自定义格式化程序代码,我添加了
function CompanyUnLink(cellValue, options) {
return $(cellValue).text();
并将 CompanyName 行的 colModel 更改为
{ name: 'CompanyName', label: 'Company Name', search: true, formatter: CompanyLink, unformat: CompanyUnLink },
但是 unformat 例程传递了一个未使用锚格式化的 cellValue。
我将 unformat 更改为
function CompanyUnLink(cellValue, options) {
// weird, the unformat actually passes in the raw data, and not the decorated one
return cellValue;
<table id="datalist"></table>
<script type="text/javascript">
function CompanyLink(cellValue, options, rowdata, action) {
return '<a href="CompanyProfile.aspx?CompanyId=' + rowdata.CompanyID + '">' + rowdata.CompanyName + '</a>';
function CompanyUnLink(cellValue, options, rowdata, action) {
// weird, the unformat actually passes in the raw data, and not the decorated one
return cellValue;
datatype: 'local',
colModel: [
{ name: 'CompanyID', label: 'Id', width: 30, align: "right" },
{ name: 'CompanyName', label: 'Company Name', search: true, formatter: CompanyLink },
caption: "SubGrid Format Test",
subGrid: true,
subGridRowExpanded: function (subgridId, rowId) {
var dataFromTheRow = $('#datalist').jqGrid('getRowData', rowId);
var html = '<span style="padding-left:10px">' + dataFromTheRow.CompanyName + ' ' + dataFromTheRow.Info + '</span>';
$("#" + subgridId).html(html);
var mydata = [
{ CompanyID: 1, CompanyName: "Company1", Info: "Info on Company 1" },
{ CompanyID: 2, CompanyName: "Company2", Info: "Info on Company 2" },
{ CompanyID: 3, CompanyName: "Company3", Info: "Info on Company 3" },
{ CompanyID: 4, CompanyName: "Company4", Info: "Info on Company 4" },
for (var i = 0; i <= mydata.length; i++)
$("#datalist").jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, mydata[i]);
subGrid 行显示用锚点装饰的 CompanyName,即它不是原始行数据。
如果您更改 colModel 以调用 unformat 例程
colModel: [
{ name: 'CompanyID', label: 'Id', width: 30, align: "right" },
{ name: 'CompanyName', label: 'Company Name', search: true, formatter: CompanyLink, unformat: CompanyUnLink },
文本不再装饰。但是 unformat 例程的 cellValue 是未经修饰的,这让我觉得是错误的。