我将 xcode4.6 用于视网膜显示屏幕尺寸。当我使用部署目标 5 时,我没有收到任何警告。当我使用部署目标 6.1 时,我收到警告 shouldAutoRotation 已弃用。但是我在 iphone4 &5 的同一个 viewcontroller.m 文件中同时使用了 shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation 和 willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation。我计划上传我的应用程序。我用于应用程序的部署目标适用于 iphone4 和 5。如果我使用部署目标 6.1,我的应用程序将在 iphone4 中运行吗?或者它只适用于iphone5?(或)应用商店拒绝我的应用或不收到警告?


1 回答 1


It's "deployment target", not "development target". The deployment target defines the minimum version of iOS your app supports. If you set it to iOS 6.1 then your app will only work on devices that have iOS 6.1 or later installed. If you set it to iOS 5.0 then your app will run on any device with iOS 5.0 or later.

If you set the deployment target to 5.0 or 5.1 then your app must properly deal with the change in APIs. View controller rotation changed a lot in iOS 6.0. Therefore all of your view controllers must implement the older and the new rotation related methods. If your deployment target is 6.0 or later then you don't need to add any of the older 5.x rotation related methods.

于 2013-04-17T06:46:51.340 回答