Hello :) I'm a novice in using Moq framework with Unit and I have an issue in which, as I will demonstrate below, I'm trying to Moq a service call on a MVC Controller which takes Session objects as parameters. On my Unit test framework I create my object, set it up on the service call and I'm hoping to have it as the result of the response of the test to then Assert.
Problem: I tried to Mock HttpContext based on other solutions, which works because on the Controller side I get the values that I set on my Unit Test but upon SETUP of the service call (I have "Mock(MockBehavior.Strict);") when the debugger reaches the controller, upon the actual call I get an error saying that no SETUP was defined. Or if I take out the "MockBehavior.Strict", the "model" variable on the controller is always returning null and not the object I set it on the Unit Test class.
So here is my simple unit class,
public class SearchControllerTest
#region Variables
Mock<ControllerContext> _controllerContext;
Mock<ISearchService> _serviceMock;
SearchController _controller;
public void SetUp()
// Arrange
_controllerContext = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
_serviceMock = new Mock<ISearchService>(MockBehavior.Strict);
_controller = new SearchController(_serviceMock.Object);
#region Success Test Cases
public void SearchListTest()
string pid = "val1";
string oid = "val2";
string lang = "val3";
string tid = "val4";
string pattern = "val5";
DocumentViewModel docModel = SetDocumentViewModel();
// Bypass
//_controllerContext.Setup(x => x.HttpContext.Session).Returns(_session.Object);
_controllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Session["ProjectId"]).Returns("X");
_controllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Session["OverlayId"]).Returns(string.Empty);
_controllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Session["ProjectLanguage"]).Returns(string.Empty);
_controllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Session["NodeId"]).Returns(string.Empty);
_controller.ControllerContext = _controllerContext.Object;
_serviceMock.Setup(x => x.FullTextSearchForAll(pid, oid, lang, tid, pattern)).Returns(docModel);
// Act
var result = _controller.SearchList(pid, oid, lang, tid, pattern) as PartialViewResult;
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("#0Id", ((DocumentViewModel)result.Model).Rows[0].UID);
#region Private
DocumentViewModel SetDocumentViewModel()
return new DocumentViewModel()
Columns = new Service.QueryResultColumn[]
new Service.QueryResultColumn
Alignment = ServiceConstants.Left,
Index = 0,
Visible = true,
Width = 3,
Header = ServiceConstants.Label
Properties = new DocumentsInfo[]
new DocumentsInfo()
IsCheckInAllowed = true,
IsCheckoutAllowed = true,
IsDocumentCheckedOut = false,
IsPlaceHolder = false,
IsUndoCheckoutAllowed = true,
lastVersionUid = "123"
Rows = new Service.QueryResultRow[]
new Service.QueryResultRow()
Children = null,
ExtensionData = null,
ImageSource = "Source",
Items = new Service.QueryResultItem[]
new Service.QueryResultItem()
ExtensionData = null,
ImageSource = "Src",
Text = "Txt",
UID = "uid"
UID = "#0Id"
And here's my Controller,
public class SearchController : Controller
ISearchService _searchService;
public SearchController(ISearchService searchService) // I use UnityContainer
_searchService = searchService;
public PartialViewResult SearchList(string pid, string oid, string lang, string tid, string pattern)
ViewBag.ProjectId = pid;
ViewBag.OverlayId = oid;
ViewBag.ProjectLanguage = lang;
ViewBag.NodeId = tid;
ViewBag.Pattern = pattern;
DocumentViewModel model = null;
model = _searchService.FullTextSearchForAll(
Session["ProjectId"] as string,
Session["OverlayId"] as string,
Session["ProjectLanguage"] as string,
Session["ProjectId"] as string,
catch (Exception ex)
ViewBag.Error = ex.Message;
// Ajax.OnError() will handle the Custom Exception Error Message
if (ViewBag.Error != null)
throw new CustomtException((String)ViewBag.Error);
return PartialView(model);
Tank your for your patience and time. Have a nice day :)