我刚刚用 jQuery 做了一个幻灯片,查看了“下一张幻灯片”和“上一张幻灯片”按钮的代码,我意识到它们几乎是一样的,除了几个功能发生了变化。
//UI Binding
$nextbutton.on("click", function(){
//Blocking control
if (slideshowBlocked) return;
slideshowBlocked = true;
//Get active slide
var $active = $slides.filter(".active");
//Get new Slied
var $newSlide = $active.next(".slide");
if (!$newSlide.length){
$newSlide = $slides.first();
//Prepare new slide beneath the active
"z-index": 5,
"display": "block"
//Fade out the active
//Update states and CSS properties
$newSlide.addClass("active").css( "z-index", 10);;
//Unblock slideshow
slideshowBlocked = false;
$prevbutton.on("click", function(){
//Blocking control
if (slideshowBlocked) return;
slideshowBlocked = true;
//Get active slide
var $active = $slides.filter(".active");
//Get new Slied
var $newSlide = $active.prev(".slide");
if (!$newSlide.length){
$newSlide = $slides.last();
//Prepare new slide beneath the active
"z-index": 5,
"display": "block"
//Fade out the active
//Update states and CSS properties
$newSlide.addClass("active").css( "z-index", 10);;
//Unblock slideshow
slideshowBlocked = false;