contig11 GO:100 other columns of data
contig11 GO:289 other columns of data
contig11 GO:113 other columns of data
contig22 GO:388 other columns of data
contig22 GO:101 other columns of data
contig11 3 N
contig11 1 Y
contig22 1 Y
contig22 2 N
contig11 3 N GO:100 other columns of data
contig11 3 N GO:289 other columns of data
contig11 3 N GO:113 other columns of data
contig11 1 Y GO:100 other columns of data
contig11 1 Y GO:289 other columns of data
contig11 1 Y GO:113 other columns of data
contig22 1 Y GO:388 other columns of data
contig22 1 Y GO:101 other columns of data
contig22 2 N GO:388 other columns of data
contig22 2 N GO:101 other columns of data
编辑所以我尝试了 ikegami 的建议(见答案):但是,这产生了我需要的输出,除了 GO:100 列以后(脚本中的 $rest ???) - 任何想法我做错了什么?
use warnings;
open (GOTERMS, "$ARGV[0]") or die "Error opening the input file with GO terms";
open (SNPS, "$ARGV[1]") or die "Error opening the input file with SNPs";
my %goterm;
while (<GOTERMS>)
my($id, $rest) = /^(\S++)(,*)/s;
push @{$goterm{$id}}, $rest;
while (my $row2 = <SNPS>)
my ($id) = $row2 =~ /^(\S+)/;
for my $rest (@{ $goterm{$id} })
close GOTERMS;
close SNPS;