TL;DR: LabQLite:
- is a flexible SQLite ORM for iOS
- has pre-written mid- and low-level boilerplate for CRUD
- has pre-written mid- and low-level boilerplate for database control
- ships with a shell script which analyzes an SQLite 3 db and spits out classes which inherit CRUD methods from
- has 100 unit tests in v1.0
Full Disclosure: This is a library that I've developed. It is released into the public domain.
Long Version
Check out LabQLite. It's a little bit o' coin (depending on the license you get), but I think it is the strongest contender out there for SQLite on iOS.
It ships with a shell script that can analyze your SQLite database file for you, spit out class files corresponding to the tables and views. I noticed you mentioned that you are coming from a previous project. If you can export an SQLite db file from that project, you can be up-and-running with usable model classes in seconds (depending on db size) using the
to get all your models.
Note: If your tables and views are named with underscores (e.g. my_table_name), the corresponding class that is generated will follow Objective-C naming conventions (e.g. MyTableName) - likewise for table columns to model class properties.
LabQLite in version 1.0 ships with 100 unit tests.
LabQLite also eliminates what I like to call the middle-level boilerplate. In other words, usually once you get all the C language low-level boilerplate written for a SQLite project on iOS, you still have to write CRUD methods for your models, and maybe you have to write helper methods (depending on your application) too. (EDIT: This is common with smaller open-source solutions).
With LabQLite, you don't write the middle- nor low-level bp. The generated model classes inherit from a superclass that does ALL that for you. Plus, the generated classes are not themselves filled with the CRUD methods - so your model class files end up looking cleaner than if they were filled with CRUD ;)
Integration is quick if you have the SQLite db file in your app's bundle:
@abstract Activates a global singleton shared instance of an
LabQLiteDatabaseController with the database at the file path
@param filePath The file path to the sqlite3 database file in
the local bundle.
@param savePath The path (including file name) to which the
sqlite3 database file retrieved from the main bundle should
be saved.
@param NSDocumentDirectoryIsRootPath Prepends the savePath with
the path to the NSDocumentDirectory.
@param overwrite If set to YES, then this method will overwrite
any file it finds at the savePath. Otherwise, it will not.
@param error The standard error capturing double indirection
@return Whether the activation of the shared database controller
was indeed successful.
+ (BOOL)activateSharedControllerWithFileFromLocalBundle:(NSString *)filePath
toBeCopiedToAndUsedFromDirectory:(NSString *)savePath
error:(NSError **)error;
There are other fast integration approaches too if you don't put your SQLite db file in your app's bundle.
The code is adequately commented with both doc and inline comments throughout.
Another factor to consider is maintainability. Sure, the freebies have quick 'discoverability,' but what one quickly learns is that (a.) integration of the framework/library is fast, but (b.) maturating your app is slower because significant changes in your app require significant changes to your model code (i.e. mid and low boilerplate).
LabQLite is written in Objective-C and so is usable, say, in legacy systems as well as in modern apps.
LabQLite conceptually is like an 'extendable ladder.' That is, if you wanted, you could:
- leverage the model class generation and high-level database controller functions to build your app, or
- leverage the database controller only, and build your custom classes that communicate with the controller's processing methods, or
- simply pass
queries into the database object or database controller object for processing
So, you are not pigeonholed into using LabQLite as an ORM... neither totally nor partially. There are even object types called LabQLiteStipulation
s which encapsulate logic for conditionals. So there's flexibility there, too.
Keep an eye on for updates.
The strengths of LabQLite are:
- Speedy integration of database
- Increased project maintainability
- Fast generation of model objects
- Flexibility between high, mid and low level access to SQLite
- Friendly to legacy systems
- Well documented within the code
- Respectably unit-tested