我有一个二维对象数组,如果对象的 clicked 属性设置为 true,则应将其视为“1”,否则应视为“0”。这些是被选中的块。我需要检查选定的框是否形成一个矩形。解决此问题的最佳方法是什么?
4092 次
3 回答
- 跟踪最外面的 1。
- 数所有的 1。
- 如果计数等于最外面的 1 包围的面积,我们就有一个矩形。
left = width + 1
right = 0
top = height + 1
bottom = 0
count = 0
for x = 1 to width
for y = 1 to height
if grid[x][y] == 1
left = min(left , x)
right = max(right , x)
top = min(top , y)
bottom = max(bottom, y)
if count > 0 and count == (right-left+1)*(bottom-top+1)
print "We have a rectangle!"
print "We don't have a rectangle!"
于 2013-04-12T08:03:29.947 回答
- 搜索第一个元素 1
- 水平向右走,然后向下,然后向左,然后向上
- 如果你回到原点,你有一个矩形
- 然后确保所有其他元素为0。
这个算法是 O(n^2) 并且如果你只允许一个矩形就可以工作。如果你有多个矩形,它会变得复杂..
于 2013-04-12T07:31:21.663 回答
// your 2d-array / matrix (N is the number of lines, M the number of columns)
m[N][M] = ...
// x coord of top left object containing 1
baseM = -1
baseFound = false
// expected width of rectangle
width = 0
widthLocked = false
// this is set to true after we started recognizing a rectangle and encounter
// a row where the object expected to be 1 in order to extend the rectangle
// is 0.
heightExceeded = false
// loop over matrix
for i = 1 to N: // lines
// at the beginning of a line, if we already found a base, lock the width
// (it cannot be larger than the number of 1s in the row of the base)
if baseFound: widthLocked = true
for j = 1 to M: // columns
if m[i][j] == 1:
if not baseFound:
baseM = j, baseFound = true
width = 1
if j < baseM:
// not in rectangle in negative x direction
return false
if heightExceeded:
// not in rectangle in y direction
return false
if widthLocked:
// not in rectangle in positive x direction
if j - baseM >= width: return false
width = j - baseM
elseif baseFound:
if widthLocked:
// check if we left the rectangle and memorize it
if j == baseM: heightExceeded = true
if not heightExceeded:
// check if object in rectangle is 0
if j > baseM && j < baseM + width: return false
if baseFound:
return true
// what is the expected result if no rectangle has been found?
return ?
在 O(n) 中运行。当心错误。
注意:大多数编程语言都有从 0 开始的数组,因此您可能需要i
to循环N - 1
,与 for 相同j
于 2013-04-12T07:50:56.387 回答