My question is simple : how can I set a QScrollBar in my QScrollArea. I have tested a lot of things but nothing work ... Maybe it's a problem to set a QScrollArea in a QTabWidget ? Here is the code :
void GamesWindow::createTabSucces()
std::string nameImg;
_succesPage = new QWidget(_tab);
_tab->addTab(_succesPage, " Succes ");
scrollArea = new QScrollArea(_succesPage);
/* Integration of QScrollBar */
for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++)
nameImg = "img/allAchiv/";
nameImg += intToString(i + 1);
nameImg += ".jpg";
_imgSucc[i] = new QLabel(scrollArea);
_imgSucc[i]->setGeometry((14 + (85 * (i % 5))), 46 + ((i / 5) * 85), 60, 60);
In fact, I add pictures in a tab where is created a QScrollArea (like 8-9 lines of pictures) but only 5 are visible, the others are hide, because they are at the bottom, out of the defined zone.
Any idea ? Thank's.