
  • 一定数量的课程 C
  • 固定天数 D
  • 一组房间R
  • 学生 S 到他们的课程的映射

如果学生正在学习 c1 和 c2 课程,这两个考试不能同时举行。

我无法根据这些约束创建流网络。这是迄今为止我尝试建立的网络之一。 流网络



创建适当的流图后,我知道我会使用 Ford-Fulkerson 算法来找到最大流量。


1 回答 1


This isn't a flow problem. It's actually NP-complete; you can reduce the graph colouring problem to it as follows:

Take as the set of courses the vertex set of the graph in your graph colouring instance. For each edge in that graph, say between u and v, create a student who's taking only courses u and v. Have exactly as many time slots as there are colours available.

Then a feasible schedule (where no student has both of his exams at the same time) will be a colouring of your graph.

You might have better luck building an integer programming model of your problem.

于 2013-04-11T00:17:30.727 回答