
# Warning message:
# In rbindlist(list(DT.1, DT.2)) : NAs introduced by coercion

观察 1:这是一个可重现的示例:

DT.1 <- data.table(x = letters[1:5], y = 6:10)
DT.2 <- data.table(x = LETTERS[1:5], y = 11:15)

# works fine
rbindlist(list(DT.1, DT.2))
#     x  y
#  1: a  6
#  2: b  7
#  3: c  8
#  4: d  9
#  5: e 10
#  6: A 11
#  7: B 12
#  8: C 13
#  9: D 14
# 10: E 15


DT.1[, x := factor(x)]
rbindlist(list(DT.1, DT.2))
#      x  y
#  1:  a  6
#  2:  b  7
#  3:  c  8
#  4:  d  9
#  5:  e 10
#  6: NA 11
#  7: NA 12
#  8: NA 13
#  9: NA 14
# 10: NA 15
# Warning message:
# In rbindlist(list(DT.1, DT.2)) : NAs introduced by coercion


rbind(DT.1, DT.2) # where DT.1 has column x as factor
# do.call(rbind, list(DT.1, DT.2)) # also works fine
#     x  y
#  1: a  6
#  2: b  7
#  3: c  8
#  4: d  9
#  5: e 10
#  6: A 11
#  7: B 12
#  8: C 13
#  9: D 14
# 10: E 15

x如果 column也是 an ,则可以重现相同的行为ordered factor。由于帮助页面?rbindlist说:Same as do.call("rbind",l), but much faster.,我猜这不是所需的行为?


# R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03)
# Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
# locale:
# [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
# attached base packages:
# [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
# other attached packages:
# [1] data.table_1.8.8
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
# [1] tools_3.0.0


观察 2:遵循@AnandaMahto 的另一个有趣观察,颠倒顺序:

# column x in DT.1 is still a factor
rbindlist(list(DT.2, DT.1))
#     x  y
#  1: A 11
#  2: B 12
#  3: C 13
#  4: D 14
#  5: E 15
#  6: 1  6
#  7: 2  7
#  8: 3  8
#  9: 4  9
# 10: 5 10

在这里, from 列DT.1被默默地强制转换为numeric
编辑:rbind(DT2, DT1)澄清一下,这与 DT1 的 x 列是一个因素的行为相同。rbind似乎保留了第一个参数的类。我将把这部分留在这里,并提到在这种情况下,这是所需的行为,因为rbindlist它是rbind.

观察 3:如果现在,两列都转换为因子:

# DT.1 column x is already a factor
DT.2[, x := factor(x)]
rbindlist(list(DT.1, DT.2))
#     x  y
#  1: a  6
#  2: b  7
#  3: c  8
#  4: d  9
#  5: e 10
#  6: a 11
#  7: b 12
#  8: c 13
#  9: d 14
# 10: e 15

在这里,xfrom列DT.2丢失(/ 替换为 of DT.1)。如果顺序相反,则会发生完全相反的情况(第 x 列DT.1被替换为DT.2)。



3 回答 3


更新 - 此错误 ( #2650 ) 已于 2013 年 5 月 17 日在 v1.8.9 中修复


在这个错误报告中: http ://r-forge.r-project.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2650&group_id=240&atid=975

# Temporary workaround: 

levs <- c(as.character(DT.1$x), as.character(DT.2$x))

DT.1[, x := factor(x, levels=levs)]
DT.2[, x := factor(x, levels=levs)]

rbindlist(list(DT.1, DT.2))


DT3 <- data.table(x=c("1st", "2nd"), y=1:2)
DT4 <- copy(DT3)

DT3[, x := factor(x, levels=x)]
DT4[, x := factor(x, levels=x, labels=rev(x))]


# Have a look at the difference:
rbindlist(list(DT3, DT4))$x
# [1] 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
# Levels: 1st 2nd

do.call(rbind, list(DT3, DT4))$x
# [1] 1st 2nd 2nd 1st
# Levels: 1st 2nd


至于观察 1,发生的事情类似于:

x <- factor(LETTERS[1:5])

x[6:10] <- letters[1:5]

# Notice however, if you are assigning a value that is already present
x[11] <- "S"  # warning, since `S` is not one of the levels of x
x[12] <- "D"  # all good, since `D` *is* one of the levels of x
于 2013-04-10T20:24:54.893 回答



DT.1 <- data.table(x = factor(letters[1:5]), y = 6:10)
DT.2 <- data.table(x = LETTERS[1:5], y = 11:15)

for(ii in seq_along(DDL)){
  ff <- Filter(function(x) is.factor(DDL[[ii]][[x]]), names(DDL[[ii]]))
  for(fn in ff){
    set(DDL[[ii]], j = fn, value = as.character(DDL[[ii]][[fn]]))


rbindlist(rapply(DDL, classes = 'factor', f= as.character, how = 'replace'))
于 2013-04-10T22:55:36.297 回答

该错误未在R 4.0.2和中修复data.table 1.13.0。当我尝试使用rbindlist()两个 DT 时,其中一个具有因子列,另一个为空,最终结果使该列损坏,并且因子值损坏(\n 随机发生;级别已损坏,引入了 NA)。
解决方法是不要将一个 DT 与一个空的 rbindlist 一起列出,而是将其与其他也具有有效负载数据的 DT 一起 rbindlist。虽然这需要一些样板代码。

于 2020-09-07T18:48:28.407 回答