Interface ISelf(Of Out TMe)
End Interface
Class SomeBase
Implements ISelf(Of SomeBase)
End Class
Class SomeDerived
Inherits SomeBase
Implements ISelf(Of SomeDerived)
End Class
Module ISelfTester
Sub TestISelf()
Dim z7 As New SomeDerived
Dim z8 As ISelf(Of SomeDerived)
Dim z9 As ISelf(Of ISelf(Of SomeDerived))
z8 = z7
z9 = z8
z9 = z7 ' Why is this illegal?
End Sub
End Module
直接从 Z7 到 Z9 的分配产生消息“错误 13 Option Strict On 不允许从 'wokka.SomeDerived' 到 'wokka.ISelf(Of wokka.ISelf(Of wokka.SomeDerived))' 的隐式转换,因为转换不明确。” 与从 Z7 到 Z8 或从 Z8 到 Z9 的分配相比,该分配如何更加模棱两可?据我所知,所有三个分配都必须是保留表示的转换,这意味着所有三个必须简单地存储对与 Z7 相同的对象的引用。
我可以理解,如果我试图将 的实例分配给SomeDerived
type 的引用ISelf(Of ISelf(Of SomeBase))
顺便说一句,预期的用途是ISelf(Of T)
type T
,预期的实现将是Return This
[在每种情况下都保留表示形式的转换;我想我应该在 中添加一个类约束TMe
,但它不会影响原始问题]。如果有多种类都对实现感兴趣ISelf(Of theirOwnTypes)
,那么应该可以利用 的协方差ISelf
等感兴趣。还实现了相应的类ISelfAndMoe(Of ItsOwnType)
ISelfAndLarry(Of ItsOwnType) 和/或 ISelfAndCurly(Of ItsOwnType), etc. then one can accept a parameter type which is known to implement any combination of those interfaces e.g.
ISelfAndMoe(Of ISelfAndLarry(Of ICurly)) param . Given that declaration,
param would implement
IMoe , and
param.Self would implement
ILarry , and
param.Self.Self would implement
ICurly . Further, if the class implements the expected pattern, one could cast
param to e.g.
ISelfAndCurly(Of IMoe) , if one wanted to call a routine which needed those two interfaces but didn't need