是的,这正是我所做的,但没有效果。category.php 中的部分:
if ($getTotal)
$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('
SELECT COUNT(cp.`id_product`) AS total
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_category` = '.(int)($this->id).($active ? ' AND p.`active` = 1' : '').'
'.($id_supplier ? 'AND p.id_supplier = '.(int)$id_supplier : '').' AND p.online_only = 0');
return isset($result) ? $result['total'] : 0;
$sql = '
SELECT p.*, pa.`id_product_attribute`, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, tl.`name` AS tax_name, t.`rate`, cl.`name` AS category_default, DATEDIFF(p.`date_add`, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY)) > 0 AS new,
(p.`price` * IF(t.`rate`,((100 + (t.`rate`))/100),1)) AS orderprice
FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa ON (p.`id_product` = pa.`id_product` AND default_on = 1)
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (p.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (p.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group`
AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)Country::getDefaultCountryId().'
AND tr.`id_state` = 0)
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` t ON (t.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`)
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_lang` tl ON (t.`id_tax` = tl.`id_tax` AND tl.`id_lang` = '.(int)($id_lang).')
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`
WHERE cp.`id_category` = '.(int)($this->id).($active ? ' AND p.`active` = 1' : '').'
'.($id_supplier ? 'AND p.id_supplier = '.(int)$id_supplier : '').' AND p.online_only = 0';