我正在尝试创建一个包含预定义类型的 Haskell 类实例,但我不断收到此错误:“ Graph (AdjListGraph a)'
(All instance types must be of the form (T t1 ... tn)
where T is not a synonym.
Use -XTypeSynonymInstances if you want to disable this.)
In the instance declaration for
Graph (AdjListGraph a) 的非法实例声明”
type Node = Int
type Arc = (Node, Node)
containsArc :: Node -> Node -> [Arc] ->Bool
containsArc a b [] = False
containsArc a b (x:xs)
| (fst x == a && snd x == b) = True
| otherwise = containsArc a b xs
fstNode :: [Arc] -> Node -> [Node]
fstNode arcs n
| (n == (fst (head arcs))) = (snd (head arcs)) : (fstNode (tail arcs) n)
| otherwise = fstNode (tail arcs) n
sndNode :: [Arc] -> Node -> [Node]
sndNode arcs n
| (n == (snd(head arcs))) = (fst (head arcs)) : (sndNode (tail arcs) n)
| otherwise = sndNode (tail arcs) n
class Graph g where
build :: [Node] -> [Arc] -> g
nodes :: g -> [Node] -- lista nodurilor din graf
arcs :: g -> [Arc] -- lista muchiilor din graf
nodeOut :: g -> Node -> [Node]
nodeIn :: g -> Node -> [Node]
arcExists :: g -> Node -> Node -> Bool
arcExists g a b
| (arcs g) == [] = False
| otherwise = if (fst (head (arcs g)) == a && snd (head (arcs g)) == b) then True else containsArc a b (tail (arcs g))
nodeIn g n = sndNode (arcs g) n
nodeOut g n = fstNode (arcs g) n
type AdjListGraph a = [(a, [a])]
makePairs :: Node -> [Node] -> [(Node, Node)]
makePairs a [] = []
makePairs a (x:xs) = (a, x) : makePairs a xs
instance Graph a => Graph (AdjListGraph a) --this is where i get the error-- where
arcs a
| a == [] = []
| otherwise = (makePairs (fst (head a)) (snd (head a))) ++ (arcs (tail a))
nodes a
| a == [] = []
| otherwise = (fst (head a)) : (nodes (tail a))