我正在使用 SQL Server 2008。我有一个表AdvanceEntry

  Code   |    PaidDate   |     Amount     |    ReceiveDate    |  ReceiveAmount
  102    |   15-04-2004  |      3000      |     20-04-2004    |      2000  
  104    |   23-05-2006  |      1000      |       NULL        |      0.00
  104    |   25-05-2005  |      1500      |     12-06-2005    |       500

当任何人完成贷款时,贷款金额存储在Amount列中,日期存储在列中PaidDate,人员代码存储在Code列中。当该人归还金额时,该金额将存储在 中ReceiveAmount,日期将存储在 中ReceiveDate


例如代码 102

 PaidDate / ReceiveDate    |    Amount    |  ReceiveAmount   |   Balance
    15-04-2004             |    3000      |        0         |    3000
    20-04-2004             |     0        |      2000        |    1000

对于代码 104

 PaidDate / ReceiveDate    |    Amount    |  ReceiveAmount   |   Balance
    23-05-2006             |    1000      |        0         |    1000
    25-05-2005             |    1500      |        0         |    2500
    12-06-2005             |      0       |      500         |    2000



2 回答 2



with Paid as
  select Code
    , PaidDate
    , Amount
  from AdvanceEntry
  where PaidDate is not null
), Received as
  select Code
    , ReceiveDate
    , ReceiveAmount
  from AdvanceEntry
  where ReceiveDate is not null
), Details as
  select Code = coalesce(p.Code, r.Code)
    , CodeDate = coalesce(p.PaidDate, r.ReceiveDate)
    , Amount = sum(p.Amount)
    , ReceiveAmount = sum(r.ReceiveAmount)
  from Paid p
    full join Received r on p.PaidDate = r.ReceiveDate and p.Code = r.Code
  group by coalesce(p.Code, r.Code)
    , coalesce(p.PaidDate, r.ReceiveDate)
select d.Code
  , PayReceiveDate = d.CodeDate
  , Amount = isnull(d.Amount, 0.0)
  , ReceiveAmount = isnull(d.ReceiveAmount, 0.0)
  , Balance = isnull(b.Balance, 0.0)
from Details d
  outer apply (select Balance = sum(isnull(b.Amount, 0.0) - isnull(b.ReceiveAmount, 0.0))
              from Details b where d.Code = b.Code and d.CodeDate >= b.CodeDate) b
order by d.Code, d.CodeDate

SQL Fiddle 与演示


还值得一提的是,如果您每天每个代码只获得一次付款/收款操作,您可以在没有任何GROUP BY查询的情况下逃脱。

于 2013-04-27T20:54:19.673 回答


;with cte as (
  select Code, PaidDate as Date, Amount as Dr, 0 as Cr, Amount as Net 
  from Data where PaidDate is not null 
  union all
  select Code, ReceivedData as Date, 0 as Dr, -ReceivedAmount as Cr, -ReceivedAmount as Net
  from Data where ReceivedDate is not null
  t1.*, sum(t2.Net) as Balance
from cte as t1
left join cte as t2 on t2.Code = t1.Code and t2.Date <= t1.Date
group by
  t1.Code, t1.Date
having t1.Code = @Code
于 2013-04-27T18:51:30.957 回答