我觉得我已经接近找到我的问题的答案,但不知何故我无法做到。我已经使用 nls 函数来拟合 3 个参数,该函数使用一个相当复杂的函数来描述在一系列精子浓度(x 轴)中卵子的受精成功(y 轴)(Styan 模型[1]、[2])。拟合参数效果很好,但我无法使用predict
函数绘制平滑的外推曲线(见本文末尾)。我想这是因为我使用了一个未安装在 x 轴上的值。我的问题是如何根据nls
在 x 轴上使用非拟合参数拟合函数的模型绘制平滑和外推曲线?
data.nls <- structure(list(S0 = c(0.23298, 2.32984, 23.2984, 232.98399, 2329.83993,
23298.39926), fert = c(0.111111111111111, 0.386792452830189,
0.158415841584158, 0.898648648648649, 0.616, 0.186440677966102
), speed = c(0.035161615379406, 0.035161615379406, 0.035161615379406,
0.035161615379406, 0.035161615379406, 0.035161615379406), E0 = c(6.86219803476946,
6.86219803476946, 6.86219803476946, 6.86219803476946, 6.86219803476946,
7.05624476582978), tau = c(1800, 1800, 1800, 1800, 1800, 1800
), B0 = c(0.000102758645352932, 0.000102758645352932, 0.000102758645352932,
0.000102758645352932, 0.000102758645352932, 0.000102758645352932
)), .Names = c("S0", "fert", "speed", "E0", "tau", "B0"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
## Model S
modelS <- function(Fe, tb, Be) with (data.nls,{
x <- Fe*(S0/E0)*(1-exp(-B0*E0*tau))
b <- Fe*(S0/E0)*(1-exp(-B0*E0*tb))
## Define starting values
start <- list(Fe = 0.2, tb = 0.1, Be = 0.1)
## Fit the model using nls
modelS.fitted <- nls(formula = fert ~ modelS(Fe, tb, Be), data = data.nls, start = start,
control=nls.control(warnOnly=TRUE,minFactor=1e-5),trace = T, lower = c(0,0,0),
upper = c(1, Inf, 1), algorithm = "port")
## Combine model parameters
model.data <- cbind(data.nls, data.frame(pred = predict(modelS.fitted)))
## Plot
ggplot(model.data) +
geom_point(aes(x = S0, y = fert), size = 2) +
geom_line(aes(x = S0, y = pred), lwd = 1.3) +
我在这里尝试了 joran 的示例,但它没有效果,可能是因为我不适合S0
r <- range(model.data$S0)
S0.ext <- seq(r[1],r[2],length.out = 200)
predict(modelS.fitted, newdata = list(S0 = S0.ext))
# [1] 0.002871585 0.028289057 0.244399948 0.806316161 0.705116868 0.147974213