我在 Python IDLE 中不断收到意外的缩进错误,但奇怪的是,对我来说,它是在语句之后。我在记事本++中检查了它,并尝试删除空格,然后手动添加4,即不是选项卡。下面是代码;该错误在 field_value 语句之后突出显示。我们欢迎所有的建议
import arcpy, sys
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\"
shapefile = "USCancer2000.shp"
field_name = "friday"
#Add the field
arcpy.AddField_management(shapefile,field_name,"LONG", "","","","","NULLABLE","NON_REQUIRED","")
cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(shapefile)
for row in cursor:
#Get the value of each of our fields, and put them into variables
c1 = row.getValue("Cnt1")
c2 = row.getValue("Cnt2")
c3 = row.getValue("Cnt3")
p1 = row.getValue("Pop1")
p2 = row.getValue("Pop2")
p3 = row.getValue("Pop3")
#check for missing values, assuming that non-missing values are all greater than or equal to zero
if((min(c1,c2,c3,p1,p2,p3) < 0) or ((p1+p2+p3) == 0) ): t
field_value = 0
field_value= 1.0
错误在 field_value= 1.0 之后