I have a Website using Concrete5.

I need to allow the client to access the subpage domain\blocks.

The problem is that if the person with this permissions create a Block and put some code like:


He will get the source code the the website.

I am trying to use the suhosin extension to block some functions:

In php.ini

suhosin.executor.func.blacklist = ""

In httpd-xampp.conf

<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/blocks">
     php_admin_value suhosin.executor.func.blacklist "opendir, file_get_contents, phpinfo"

The problem is that this is not working. Since Concrete5 use a index.php to manage all the url connections.

Basicly when a call to url: www.domain.com/somepage/title; This is just an example, what actually is called is:


Then concrete5 translate that into the CMS and eventualy calls the block code.

Since the call is to the root of the domain, it has access to all php functions.

I just want to protect the rest of the website.


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