i am a beginner.

I am try to created a custom finder. and used "repository jpa " command. this is my repository:

    @RooJpaRepository(domainType = Speaker.class)
public interface SpeakerRepository {
    @Query("select u from Speaker u where username = :un")  
    public List<Speaker> findllAllSpeakersNamed(@Param("un") String lastname); 


public class SpeakerServiceImpl implements SpeakerService {
SpeakerRepository speakerRepository;
public List<Speaker> findllAllSpeakersNamed(String lastName) {
    return speakerRepository.findllAllSpeakersNamed(lastName);

and controller:

public class FindASpeaker {

    SpeakerServiceImpl speakerServiceImpl;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{id}")
    public void post(@PathVariable Long id, ModelMap modelMap, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

    public  String  index(@RequestParam("lastname")String lastname) {
        String Lastname=lastname;
        ModelMap modle=new ModelMap ();

        List<Speaker> list = speakerServiceImpl.findllAllSpeakersNamed(Lastname);

        return  "findASpeaker/index";


This can not work.,,,,


1 回答 1


您的存储库是一个接口。Spring Data 应该根据方法的名称自动检测查询,例如“List findUsersByNameDesc(String name);” 将自动创建一个方法来查询具有给定名称的所有用户。@Query 只是告诉它不要猜测查询,而是使用您提供的查询。一个例子可以在这里找到

于 2013-04-08T19:57:29.037 回答